Page 20 - Parker - L90LS Mobile directional control valve
P. 20

Catalogue HY17-8504/UK                             Mobile Directional Control Valve
        End Section                                        L90LS

        Pilot filter [39]
        S      Coarse filter with bypass function in the internal pilot                    TP
               circuit. The filter protects the pilot circuit from dirt, espe-  T
               cially during start-up of the system.                     PS
        YS     Adapter for connection of external filter for pilot oil.
               Enables the pilot circuit to be supplied with cleaner oil   T
               compared with the rest of the system.
                                                                          P                 P2B
        /      Not machined for pilot filter function
        Tank connection for pilot circuit [40]
        TP     Separate tank connection for the pilot circuit is open.
               The connection to the main tank gallery of the direc-
               tional valve is blocked. The function is intended for
               systems in which there is a risk of dynamic pressure
               fluctuations in the tank line, which cause fluctuations in   LS
               the pilot circuit when there is a common tank line.        T                     T2
        TPB    The end section is machined to provide a separate tank                      T3B
               connection for the pilot circuit, and plugged. The tank
               return of the pilot circuit is connected to the tank gallery
               of the directional valve.
        TPX    Only for end section MU [30]. The section is machined
               for external connection of the pilot circuit to the tank. The   R [37] internal pilot-pressure supply.
               section has no internal connection between the tank     S [39] coarse filter with bypass function.
               return of the pilot circuit and the upper tank channels of   TP [40] end section machined to accom-
               the valve. The connection is plugged in the end section   modate separate tank connection for pilot
               face.                                                   circuit.
        /      Not machined for TP connection

                                                                           T                TPB

                                                                           P                 P2B


                                                                           T                     T2


                                                                       R [37] internal pilot-pressure supply.
                                                                       YS [39] adapter for connection of external
                                                                       pilot-pressure filter.
                                                                       TPB [40] end section machined to accom-
                                                                       modate separate tank connection for pilot
                                                                       circuit, and plugged.

                                                          20                        Parker Hannifin
                                                                                    Mobile Controls Division Europe
                                                                                    Borås, Sweden
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