Page 11 - Parker - Inks, Paints and coating filtrations
P. 11

Environmentally friendly and   Selective retention of  deformable particles over a  longer differential pressure  drop rise and so provides    lter life  Reduces product waste   and improves yield  Environmentally friendly   Retention of deformable  particles over a longer  differential pressure drop rise    lter life  at cost-effective process  Reduces product wastage   and improves yield  | 10

                                                                        Advantages  reduces disposal costs  good fi  and reduces disposable costs  and so provides good fi

                                                                         ts           bers   sh-eyes’          sh-eyes’
                                                                        Benefi  Easy to dispose  Enables a strong rigid  density matrix that does not   shed fi  Will not cause ‘fi  or cratering on   painted surface  Easy to dispose  Provides rigid matrix  and compatibility at high  temperature and solvents  Will not cause ‘fi or cratering on painted   surface

                                                                           No requirement of   core /cage  Fibers made of   Bi-componant   polymer  Silicone-free   materials of   No requirement of   Made of Phenolic   resin  Silicone-free   materials of

                                                                        Features             construction  core / cage  construction
             Coatings manufacturing process

                                                                        Stage      10, 11  & 12         10 & 12

                                                                        Filter   o ®   Fulfl  DuraBond ™  1-25 micron  High end inks,  automotive coatings   and paints   o ®  ProBond ™  Fulfl  2-75 micron  Varnish, stains, all-  grade paints & high   viscosity pastes

                         cations of                                                                Core Products  Coatings Manufacturing Process

                 Understanding the application
                        Final product specifi the coating are achieved in the  blending (thinning) stage. The  blending stage  involves reducing  or thinning the coating to ensure  that the tint, durability and the  coatings ‘film’ properties are     exact to specification prior to     packing and shipping to the   coater.   This is often the most critical  stage and consequently may  require recirculation of the batch  through filters to control the     pigment size distribution and  re

                        Following the dispersion of the  ‘premix’ the pigments that  characterize the coating are  added to form a viscose paste  called the ‘mill base’. The mill  base is loaded with pigments of  varying size distribution that are  not consistently mixed and are   agglomerated.    The mill base is then ground or  milled to achieve pigments of  the required size so that they  disperse in the coating uniformly  and provide the character of the  coating for intended fun
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