Page 7 - Parker - Load and Motor Control Valves
P. 7

Catalog HY15-3502/US                              Counterbalance Valve
                   Technical Information                             Series CB101

                   Dimensions Millimeters (Inches)
                                                                                                                             Check  Valves

                                                                           Fixed Cap             Tamper Proof
                                     4.8 (.19)           38.1 (1.50)
                                  Hollow Hex.            Dia. Knob
                                                                                                                             Shuttle  Valves


                                     65.9                                                                                    Load/Motor  Controls
                                    (2.59)                                     (2.77)
                                                           1" Hex.
                                                           22 Nm
                                                           (16 lb. ft.)                                                       Controls
                                                           Torque                                                            Flow
                                                         7/8-14 UNC-2A
                                                         Thread                     (3)
                                     48.0                                                                                    Pressure  Controls

                                                      Ø 15.8 (.622)                       (1)                                Logic  Elements
                                                      Ø 15.7 (.620)
                                 Ø 17.4 (.685)
                                 Ø 17.3 (.683)                                                                             DC
                                                                                                                             Directional  Controls


                   Ordering Information
                                                                                                                             Manual  Valves
                     CB101                                                                                                 SV

                    Counterbalance  Pilot  Adjustment  Pressure  Seals  Optional  Body    Port
                    Cartridge Valve  Ratio   Style   Range             Pressure  Material  Size                              Solenoid
                                                                       Setting                                                Valves

                    Code Pilot Ratio        Code Pressure Range           Code Seals / Kit No.  Code Body Material
                     A  3:1                 10  20.7 - 90 Bar (300 - 1300 PSI)  Omit Nitrile /  Omit Steel                   Proportional
                     B  4.5:1                   Standard Setting:             (SK10-3N)      A  Aluminum                      Valves
                                                69 Bar (1000 PSI)
                     C  7:1                     @ 11.3 LPM (3 GPM)         V  Fluorocarbon /
                                            20  69 - 172.4 Bar (1000 - 2500 PSI)            Code Port Size  Body Part No.  CE
                    Code Adjustment Style/Kit No.  Standard Setting:      Optional Pressure  Omit Cartridge Only
                     F  Fixed style,            138 Bar (2000 PSI)        Setting           6T  SAE-6   (B10-3-*6T)          Coils &  Electronics
                        preset at factory.      @ 11.3 LPM (3 GPM)                          8T  SAE-8   (B10-3-*8T)
                     K  Knob Adjust         30  166 - 350 Bar (2400 - 5000 PSI)  Pressure ÷ 10  6B  3/8″ BSPG (B10-3-6B)†
                                                                          i.e. 235 = 2350 PSI
                        (717784-10)             Standard Setting:         Setting Range:    8B  1/2″ BSPG (B10-3-*8P)      BC
                                                210 Bar (3000 PSI)
                     S  Screw Adjust            @ 11.3 LPM (3 GPM)        300 to 5000 PSI  * Body is available in steel or aluminum.
                     T  Tamper Resistant Cap                              All settings at  † Steel body only.                Bodies &  Cavities
                        (717785)                                          11.3 LPM (3 GPM)
                                                                                                                             Technical  Data

                                                                   LM6                         Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                                                               Hydraulic Cartridge Systems
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