Page 13 - Parker - Process filtration
P. 13
Fluorofl ow ®
Materials of Construction Performance Attributes Integrity Test Values
100% Fluoropolymer construction
Water fl ow rates, Typical* Filter Rating Bubble Point*
Effective Filtration Area Micron gpm/psid lpm/100mbar Micron psig bar
6.8ft (0.63m ) per nominal 10˝
0.05 0.9 4.9 0.05 ≥40 2.8
(250mm) cartridge
0.1 2.3 13 0.1 ≥21 1.5
Metals Extractables
0.2 3,2 18 0.2 ≥13 0.9
<20ppb (total) in a 10% HNO3
extraction of 1.5 liters for 24 hours at 0.45 4.7 26 0.45 ≥7 0.5
ambient temperature 1.0 6.7 37 1.0 ≥3 0.2
* Per 10-inch (250mm) cartridge equivalent with * In 60/40 IPA/water @ 25°C
Maximum Differential Pressure viscosity of 1cP.
80psid (5.5bar) @ 75ºF (24ºC)
55psid (3.8bar) @ 167ºF (75ºC)
30psid (2.0bar) @ 257ºF (125ºC) 10-inch (250 mm) Cartridge
15psid (1.0bar) @ 300ºF (150ºC) Water Flow Rate (lpm)
4 8 12 16 20
Reverse: 7 450
50psid (3.4bar) @ 75ºF (24ºC)
6 400
15psid (1.0bar) @ 250ºF (121ºC) 0.05µm
Cleanliness (particle shedding) 5
Wet-packed <2 particles/ml >0.2μm 300
after 7gal@1gpm 4 250
TOC/Resistivity Rinse-up Differential Pressure (psid) 3 200 Differential Pressure (mbar)
(wet-packed) 0.10µm
TOC recovery within 3-5ppb of feed 2 150
without additional rinse-up. 0.20µm
Resistivity recovery within 0.4 1 50
megohm-cm of feed after
22gal@1gpm. 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Water Flow Rate (gpm)
Ordering Information
33 — 14 — — — E
End Fitting Nominal Length Filter Rating O-Rings Options
Code Description Code Inches mm Code Micron Code Material Code Treatment
2 226/Flat 04 4 101.6 925 0.05 2 Silicone Blank UPW Flush
3 222/Flat 10 10 254 001 0.1 4 Viton ® Ozone UPW
7 226/Fin 20 20 508 002 0.2 5* FEP-Encapsulated Viton ®
W Wet Packed
8 222/Fin 30 30 762 004 0.45 6* FEP-Encapsulated Silicone
40 40 1016 010 1 7 Chemraz ®
503 100 (Nominal) N None
*O-Ring only
Viton is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
Specifi cations are subject to change without notifi cation. Chemraz is a registered trademark of Green, Tweed.
For User Responsibility Statement, see *Fluorofl ow is a registered trademark of Parker-Hannifi n Corporation.
DS_IP_Fluorofl ow Cartridge Rev. A