Page 14 - Parker - Process filtration
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        Profl ow  II General

        Grade Cartridges

        Hydrophobic PTFE membrane for gas

        and solvent purifi cation

        Profl ow™ II General grade cartridges
        provide an economic alternative for
        general applications where reliable
        gas and liquid fl ow rates are required.
        With 5.6 square feet of expanded
        PTFE membrane, Profl ow II-G is a
        highly effi cient hydrophobicbarrier,
        for the production of dry gas, and will
        effectively purify aggressive liquids and
        organic solvents.

        Profl ow II-G cartridges are
        manufactured under cleanroom
        conditions and integrity tested
        before shipment to assure consistent
        performance and quality.
        The Profl ow II-G Cartridges are
        available in 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.45, and
        1.0μm pore sizes.

        Contact Information                 Benefi ts                             Applications

        Parker Hannifi n Corporation        • Reliable air and liquid fl ow rates for   • Photoresists
        domnick hunter                        effective performance              • Compressed gas
        Process Filtration - North America  • Broad chemical compatibility       • Venting
        2340 Eastman Avenue                   enables use in many applications   • Electronic grade solvents
        Oxnard, California, USA 93030       • Broad range of micron ratings for   • Hot deionized water (less than
                                              user convenience                     80°C)
        toll free +1 877 784 2234           • Superior hydrophobicity for long life
        phone +1 805 604 3400                 in vent/air applications
        fax +1 805 604 3401                 • Integrity tested to ensure quality              •  Bio-safe in accordance with USP
                                              Class VI 121°C Plastics Test ltration

                                                                           ENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESS.

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