Page 13 - Viledon - Air and Liquid Filtration
P. 13

Sustainability through energy efficiency
                                                               Reduce energy costs with Viledon              ®

          Businesses across many industries and appli-  Example: 4.4 t less CO  emissions per year with Viledon .
          cations profit from the use of energy efficient                        1st filter stage: 9 × M 6 Viledon  Compact pocket filters
            Viledon  filter solutions. You too can achieve   1st filter stage: 9 × conventional M 6 pocket filters   T 60 2nd filter stage: 9 × F 9 Viledon  MaxiPleat
                                              2nd filter stage: 9 × conventional F 9 cassette filters
                                                                                                   cassette filters MX 98
          significant energy cost savings while contributing   Volume flow: 30,000 m / h       Volume flow: 30,000 m / h
          to the reduction of CO 2  emissions.
                                              Conventional filters                              Viledon  system
                                              Power consumption                                   Power consumption
                                              27,820 kWh / year                                 19,930 kWh / year
                                              Electricity costs*     789 € / year                   Electricity costs*
                                              (27,820 kWh × 0.10 € / kWh)  Cost savings      (19,930 kWh × 0.10 € / kWh)
                                              2,782 €                   with Viledon ®              1,993 €
                                              CO 2   emission**       ≈ 4.4 t / year                CO 2  emission**
                                              (27,820 kWh × 0.559 kg / kWh)   CO 2  reduction    (19,930 kWh × 0.559 kg / kWh)
                                              ≈15,551 kg / year         with Viledon ®  ≈11,140 kg / year
                We will be pleased to send you
                  documented case studies. Simply   *   Electricity costs for industry (0.10 €/kWh), Source: BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.,
                contact us.                    correct as of 2011
                                             **   Specific carbon dioxide emissions of the German electricity mix in 2011 (0.559 kg/kWh of CO 2  emission factor),
                                               Source: German National Environment Office, FG/2.5., correct as of April 2012
                                                                                                   44 € 
                                                                                                 Cost savings
                                                                                                 per filter / year

           Viledon  air filters for the energy efficient use in HVAC systems    Significant cost reduction
           Viledon                                             Annual energy    The fan in an HVAC system consumes elec-
           product   Type               Filter class*  efficiency   consumption***  trical energy during operation, for example,
                                                                                to overcome the filter’s resistance. In the case
           F 50      Pocket filter         M 5          A         600 kWh       of variable-speed fans, energy consumption
                                                                                will continually increase as a result of the air
           T 60      Pocket filter         M 6          A         620 kWh
                                                                                filters’ pressure drop. Many conventional
           T 90      Pocket filter         F 7          B        1,060 kWh      filters display unfavorable resistance behav-
                                                                                ior. Not Viledon : our filters have a large dust
           MF 90     Pocket filter         F 7          C        1,500 kWh
                                                                                storage capacity and the pressure drop in-
           MF 95     Pocket filter         F 8          C        1,650 kWh      creases only slowly.
           MX 85     Cassette filter       F 7          C        1,240 kWh
           MX 95     Cassette filter       F 8          B        1,300 kWh     *   according to EN 779:2012
                                                                               **   As part of the EUROVENT Certification,
                                                                                  rated at 3,400 m /h
           MX 98     Cassette filter       F 9          B        1,830 kWh     ***  The indicated annual energy consumption results from
                                                                                  a laboratory test procedure with synthetic test dust at
           MV 85 HSN  Cassette filter (synth.)  F 7     C        1,500 kWh        3,400 m /h and only refers to the portion of total en-
                                                                                  ergy consumption which is caused by the flow resis-
           MV 95 HSN  Cassette filter (synth.)  F 8     C        1,700 kWh        tance of the filter. The annual energy consumption of
                                                                                  an HVAC system may therefore differ significantly in
           MVP 85    Cassette filter       F 7          B        1,100 kWh        actual operation.
           MVP 95    Cassette filter       F 8          A        1,200 kWh
           MVP 98    Cassette filter       F 9          B        1,470 kWh                                        13
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