Page 9 - Viledon - Air and Liquid Filtration
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Viledon  filterCair
                                                             Filters plus service plus consultancy –
                                                   the complete air quality management system

          Viledon  filterCair service        Some examples of our Viledon  filterCair services
          To ensure that you get maximum value out      ƒ Particle measurements by laser particle     ƒ  Changing filters, cleaning and disposal
          of our top-quality filters in your complex and   counter (stationary or as ProSim measure-  including acceptance testing according
          sensitive systems, we have developed a unique   ment).                 to DIN 1946-4.
          and comprehensive filter management system:     ƒ  Determination of rates of descent, cabin     ƒ  Technical service and maintenance of
            Viledon  filterCair – an individually bundled   balance, balance ventilation, temperature   mechanical and electrical system com-
          package consisting of a comprehensive filter
          range plus services and warranties.  and humidity.                     ponents (such as differential pressure
                                                                                 monitoring, anti-icing system, etc.).
                                               ƒ Paint inclusion and dirt-in-paint analysis on
                                              site or at the Viledon  laboratories (SEM,     ƒ Testing and calibration of differential
                                              EDX, IR microscopy).               pressure gauges and transmitters.
                                               ƒ Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)     ƒ Technical analysis of filter and ventilation
                                              analysis in advance of reconstruction,   systems (e. g. by measuring separation
                                              redesign or realignment.           levels, air power, fit testing, etc.).
            Advantages for our customers
                                               ƒ Use of a mist generator for the visualization     ƒ Checking the technical condition of the
                                              of air streams.                    equipment, vulnerability analysis.
               ƒ Reduction of inventories and
               warehousing costs               ƒ  Measurement of electrostatic charging and     ƒ Filter procurement, stockholding, disposition.
                                              discharging processes.
               ƒ Lower ordering costs                                             ƒ Filter comparison measurements.
                                               ƒ  Hygiene inspections and hygiene controls in
               ƒ Improved and stable air quality                                  ƒ Energy efficiency measurements.
                                              accordance with VDI 6022, using trained
               ƒ Long-term quality assurance   personnel.
               ƒ Fewer suppliers
               ƒ Continuous improvements
               ƒ Complete cost control
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