Page 4 - Viledon - Air and Liquid Filtration
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A comprehensive performance package
for industrial filtration
Protecting people, optimizing processes Protecting the environment and resources
Making industrial processes more efficient Improving the quality of life
60 years of experience in filtration
As a technology leader with over 60 years to the needs of our customers. In this way, we
experience, we understand the complexity in ensure savings on energy costs and help our
industrial filtration, we know the high demands customers to reduce CO 2 emissions.
of our customers and have the right solution
package for each application. With Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, you
can always rely on the highest quality: from the
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies offers a initial design stage through manufacturing and
comprehensive range of top-quality and reliable delivery to technical application advice and
filtration products, technical design and installa- services. We always think one step ahead. As Discover the fascinating world of Freuden-
tion expertise, consulting skills and an extensive a driver of innovation, our constant new develop- berg Filtration Technologies in just three
service program. Thanks to this complete pack- ments deliver both progress in the market and minutes – simply scan the QR code to view
age, we are able to develop system solutions competitive advantage for our customers. our image film.
with high energy efficiency, specifically tailored