Page 8 - Viledon - Air and Liquid Filtration
P. 8

Maximum purity
          for liquid filtration

          Freudenberg Filtration Technologies provides a comprehensive product range of high-quality filter
          media for maximum purity and reliability.

          For food and beverage filtration   For coolant and lubricant filtration   For oil, urea and fuel filtration
          Under the hydrotexx brand, Freudenberg   cooltexx provides durable, application-specific   Modern hydraulic filter systems require excellent
            Filtration Technologies develops filter mats con-  nonwoven fabrics for all vacuum, pressure and   filter media which, with their high mechanical
          sisting of 100 % food-grade fibers. This makes   gravity belt filter systems, in all the popular    and chemical resistance, are able to withstand
          them ideal for the filtration of food, hot and cold   roll widths and lengths. This filtration media is   extremely high differential pressure, pressure
          beverages as well as drinking water. Physiolog-  custom-matched to the intended machining pro-  peaks and volume flows. Modern diesel injection
          ically harmless materials in combination with   cess, materials and process fluids in terms of   systems operate at extremely high pressures and
          the most modern production technologies guar-  filter mesh size, fiber type and media structure.   require excellent particle and water separation.
          antee a filter medium that meets the stringent   These include, for example, emulsions and oils,   With pluratexx, we have developed filter media
          requirements of the food industry in terms of   washing, phosphating and coagulation baths.  that can perfectly fulfil all these demanding re-
          hygiene, efficiency and extractable  ingredients,                    quirements.
          every time.

                                                                               Membrane support media
                                                                               Polymer-based membranes in many cases re-
                                                                               quire additional mechanical reinforcement. This
                                                                               is the only way to ensure that they can withstand
                                                                               the physical stresses of production, further pro-
                                                                               cessing and operational use. In these terms,
                                                                               novatexx is well-proven as an effective support
                                                                               and drainage medium. The brand is synonymous
                                                                               with customized filtration media for liquids from
                                                                               the industrial and food sectors, as well as for
      8                                                                        products required in the production of mem-
                                                                               branes and filter cartridges.
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