Page 7 - Viledon - Air and Liquid Filtration
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Innovative technologies
Viledon ChemWatch Online Monitoring System
Capture, monitor and control corrosiveness in Thanks to the use of innovative sensor technol- out – either directly on the device or via PC.
sensitive areas – and protect your electrical and ogy for resistance measurement, the Viledon With its sealed housing, the device features a
electronic equipment against corrosion. The new ChemWatch Online Monitoring System enables large color display for direct reading of informa-
Viledon ChemWatch Online Monitoring System continuous monitoring and rapid results. During tion. Thanks to the generous storage capacity,
offers an excellent solution for achieving these this process, the device remains insensitive to the measurement data of a whole year can be
aims. This device measures the corrosion class vibrations and temperature fluctuations. saved.
for gaseous media in accordance with ANSI/
ISA-71.04-2013. To support targeted analysis, It can be simply installed and handled. All data
temperature, relative humidity and room pressure are automatically recorded from the start.
can also all be determined. Individual settings can also be easily carried
Advantages for our customers
Large color display – all measurement results at a glance.
Data transmission via LAN, WiFi or Bluetooth.
Large memory – min. 1 year backup.
Alarm signal can be adjusted individually – alerts via LED
on the device or notification via email.
Users can create notes and link them to the measured data.
7 standard languages : English, Chinese, Japanese, German,
French, Spanish and Portuguese (other languages can be
supplied as an option).
Power supply including adapter for all international outlets.