Page 10 - Viledon - Air and Liquid Filtration
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Viledon  system solutions
          for air, water and gas

          Freudenberg Filtration Technologies offers a comprehensive range of
          reliable and energy-efficient filtration solutions in addition to technical
          development and installation know-how for complete industrial filtration
          systems. Our system solutions are combined with an extensive program
          of services. This ensures the optimum efficiency of our filter systems for our

          Air filtration systems             Water filtration systems          Gas phase filtration systems
          Viledon  Engineering is our complete service   Sustainable use of the precious resource water   Toxic gases, which occur in many industrial pro-
          and installation program, which includes all   is becoming increasingly important. With the   cesses, can cause corrosion. Even small distur-
          construction elements for building or converting   Aquabio system technology, Viledon  Water   bances of electronic components lead to power
          air filtration systems, particularly in the fields   Solutions has positioned itself as a competent   loss, high maintenance and repair costs or
          of clean room technology, process air and   development partner and supplier of membrane     unplanned downtime. Freudenberg’s Viledon
            turbomachinery.                  bioreactor (MBR) systems that enable  economic   ChemControl system solutions provide protection
                                             recycling of process water and waste water.  against corrosion.
          Components include single or multi-stage energy-
          efficient filter system solutions, innovative anti-  Reliable separation of solid particles and bac-  Producers of pulp and paper, operators of refin-
          icing systems (Viledon  IceProtect) as well as   teria is especially important for the food and   eries or customers in the chemical and pharma-
          combined intake air filtration and cooling sys-  beverage industry, the pharmaceutical industry,   ceutical industries enjoy the benefits of a com-
          tems (Viledon  eee.Sy), which are each tailored   waste disposal sites and tanneries. Thanks to    plete solution tailored to their specific application:
          to the specific requirements of the customer and   the space-saving design of our water filtration   We provide the design and construction of the
          the location.                        systems, existing plants can be upgraded or   filter systems including all filter stages for particle
                                             extended without problems.        and noxious gas filtration – including all techni-
                                                                               cal services.

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