Page 5 - Viledon - Air and Liquid Filtration
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Superior filtration solutions
for a better quality of life
Reducing Recycling
CO 2 emissions wastewater
Protecting the Saving
environment energy
Optimizing Avoiding
processes waste
One of the big challenges facing society today is safeguarding the Our contribution to your improved energy efficiency and
cleanliness of air and liquids. Innovative solutions are called for and climate protection balance
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies has the answers. We develop solu- Ventilation systems require a relatively large amount of energy. In office
tions that make processes more efficient, save resources and protect our
environment, thereby raising the quality of life. buildings, the proportion is about 40 % of total consumption. In clean-
rooms, it can be as high as 80 %. A large part of the energy expenditure
of variable-speed fans in ventilation (HVAC) systems is attributable to
Environmental responsibility begins in the development and
production stages pressure drops, half of which are caused by the filters themselves. For this
reason, acting responsibly in this area means reducing the pressure drop
We are committed to responsible management as a cornerstone of our in air filtration systems to save valuable energy, avoid unnecessary costs
sustainable business success. We are convinced that economic efficiency, and reduce CO 2 emissions. The new EUROVENT guideline on energy
social responsibility and the protection of the environment are intimately efficiency classification, EUROVENT 4/21, in which Freudenberg Filtration
linked. We pledge to promote sustainable technologies and product Technologies was closely involved, provides a first port of call when choos-
solutions that also provide the best possible product quality. Our activities ing energy-efficient Viledon products. The construction of the entire filtra-
in this area are wide-ranging. We avoid waste, reduce our use of materials tion system is crucial and you can count on our competent advice in this.
and energy, increase the share of recycled raw materials and develop
disposal-friendly and space-saving product alternatives. Numerous case studies have shown that our customers make a valuable
contribution to energy saving and climate protection by using our filtration
Sustainable production processes and products are not always obvious solutions.
at first glance for customers. This is why we actively support the “Blue
Competence” initiative of the VDMA (German Engineering Federation).
This initiative has defined reliable sustainability criteria and standards,
which are in turn confirmed by the actions of the membership. In this way,
Blue Competence provides increased transparency, facilitates orientation
and provides security for anyone looking for sustainable products or
companies that work in a sustainable way.
Our customers gladly use the energy efficiency logo in their documenta-
tion, which effectively says: “We save energy and reduce CO 2 emissions
with Viledon air filters.” As a partner of Freudenberg Filtration Techno-
logies, you too can benefit from the added value of our solutions. For
example, by using the Viledon energy efficiency logo. Contact your
Viledon representative for more details.