Page 11 - Viledon - Air and Liquid Filtration
P. 11
Performance and certified quality
that you can rely on
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies is commit- Others achieve the minimum requirements. We Increased transparency: EUROVENT
ted to delivering the highest quality. For you, offer our customers more. This is why we do not certification for fine filters
this means increased safety during everyday restrict ourselves to completing externally re-
use. Our consistent commitment to the highest quired inspections – we are committed to even Not all filters deliver what their manufacturers
promise. It is not uncommon to find features in
standards is also reflected in the diversity of more stringent internal quality criteria. We are the product information that are never achieved
the certification and quality improvement initia- certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001. Our
tives we deploy. overall integral management system is based on in reality. But now, you can protect yourself. As
an independent institution, the EUROVENT
the current ISO / TS 16949 regulations (require- Certification Company has developed an inter-
ments of the automotive industry), ISO 14001
(environmental management) and OHSAS national certification program for fine filters of
groups M and F (according to EN 779:2012),
18001 (occupational health and safety). Six which gives the user security. All Viledon fine
Sigma is an integral part of our corporate culture.
Extremely rigorous testing in the Freudenberg filters are certified by EUROVENT.
filter laboratory ensures the consistent quality of
all our filters.
ISO 9001