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Company Car Drivers Bulletin 2022 – Edition Two

  The purpose of these bulletins is to pass on key messages, as well as being a source of useful information for company car drivers.

                Fuel Prices The high cost of fuel is something that worries the majority of us so here are some useful tips to
                reduce your monthly spend on fuel.

    Tyres                         Slow Down!                  Anticipation                     Cruise!                         Lighten the Load

    Probably one of most          Driving at 80mph on the     Try to read the road ahead       Use cruise control whenever     Regularly check your vehicle
    important things to ensure    motorway uses 25%           and reduce the need for          safe to do so. The car will use   for any unnecessary weight.
    good fuel economy is          more fuel than driving at   heavy braking. Try to            less fuel, compared to a        The heavier the car, the more
    correctly inflated tyres.     70mph and you are           maintain a steady and safe       driver with their foot on the   fuel needed to move it
    Please check them regularly   risking points on your      distance from the car in front   accelerator
    as tyres can naturally lose   licence!
    2psi per month (10%)                                                                                                       Smart Refuelling
                                                                                                                               Use websites such as
                                                                                                                      to find
                                                                                                                               the cheapest fuel in your
                                  Air Con Guzzles!
    Don’t idle!                   Only use air con when                                         Servicing                     Charge Your PHEV!

    Most modern cars have         absolutely necessary as it    Trip Computer                   Please don’t ignore any       If you have a Petrol Hybrid
    stop/start technology. Ignore   uses up to 25% more fuel.                                   “Service required” messages   Electric Vehicle that can be
    the myths that it uses more   Heated windscreens have a     Set your trip computer so       from your car. These are      plugged in, you should be
    fuel. A few minutes of idling   similar impact on your fuel   you can see your mpg. This    commonly triggered by fuel    making reasonable efforts to do
    per day can mean an hour      economy                       will enable you to be aware     filters becoming clogged,     this on a regular basis. Regular
    over a month and this uses a                                of how much fuel you are        which mean more fuel is       charging can increase your MPG
    gallon of fuel                                              using                           being burnt
                                                                                                                              by 35%

                     Electric An increasing % of our fleet is now electric so here is some tips on getting miles for your charge. Whilst
                     the cost of electricity has increased, it is still one of the cheapest ways to run a car.

   Avoid cold batteries             Use of Heater                    Demisting                     Braking                      Read the above
   The batteries in EVs are less    Any use of the heater will       Using the car demister will   (Safely) learn the art of one   Many of the points around
   efficient when cold. Try to      reduce the range.                impact on your range. You     pedal driving to maximise the   tyre pressure, air con,
   precondition/warm up your        Alternatives are using the       can get treatments for the    energy you harvest, which    sticking to speed limits will
   car when it is still connected   electric seats use less charge   inside of your windscreen     recharge the batteries, every   all help you extend your EV
   to the charger in the morning    or pre-condition the car         that will reduce the          time an EV slows             range
                                    before use                       frequency of any fogging
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