Page 39 - Fleet
P. 39

Company Car Drivers – what to do if you….

    Are involved in a vehicle incident/collision?                               Experience a Vehicle breakdown
    - Always stop at the scene                                                  - A breakdown is any event where the vehicle become  not driveable – this
    - If possible, move your car to a safe place, that isn’t obstructing traffic   may include mechanical or electrical issues, major tyre punctures, severely
    - You should contact the emergency services if the vehicles are blocking       cracked windscreens or running out of fuel
       the road and can’t be moved, someone requires urgent medical             - Contact Arnold Clark breakdown on 0141 332 2622
       assistance or there is suspicion of a crime (intoxication or fraud)      - Any issues with getting home or replacement vehicles, please speak to the
    - Use the HSS Vehicle Incident Log to exchange details with any other          Fleet team
       parties involved in the incident. Ask if you do not have one
    - Report the incident SAMEDAY to AA Accident Management on 0800              Warning Lights on your dashboard
                                                                                 - If your car starts showing a warning light, please do not ignore it. Some will
       917 2712 or use the HSS Claims App to report the incident
                                                                                   be simple to resolve, such as topping up washer fluid, oil or fuel. Others may
    Need new tyres or windscreens                                                  be the first signs of a serious issue so need to be reported as a defect
    - You can do a walk in at either Kwik Fit or ATS and state this is an        - Please report it to Arnold Clark on 0141 648 1311 or
       Arnold Clark lease vehicle.                                       
    - They should be able to supply replacement tyres on a sameday basis         - Please do not report it direct to the dealership, as managing the
       or in some circumstances it may take be the next day                        authorisation of work can be difficult. If you have any issues with the Arnold
    - If the tyre is punctured and not driveable, this will need to booked as      Clark maintenance desk, please escalate to the Fleet team
       a breakdown
    - You should be checking the tread on your tyres on a regular basis          Are unhappy with the service providing by a fleet supplier
    - If you encounter issues, please escalate to the fleet team who may be      - Please initially speak to the supplier and try to fully understand the problem
       able to suggest alternative suppliers (Quintons)                          - Escalate to the fleet team on, passing on the above

           Introduction to Fleet Video                                                  Driving in wintry/icy conditions

                                                                                   Since December 2021, incidents involving cars skidding on ice have caused
   We have recorded a video that answers some of the regular
                                                                                   over £30k of damage, paid by HSS
   queries that the Fleet team get asked on a daily basis
   It covers subjects such as contacting the fleet team, business                  If the weather is freezing and the roads potentially icy and you are
                                                                                   considering driving, please consider the following:
   mileage and, most importantly, what to do when things go
   wrong – vehicle incidents, breakdowns or punctures                              Is your journey essential? Driving in icy condition is a high risk activity
                                                                                   Tyres grip less in colder conditions and braking distances are much longer
   It is aimed at new starters but all company car drivers would
   benefit from watching it. Please take a look…..                                 Prepare your car as much as possible if you have to drive – ensure all
                                                                                   windows are defrosted before starting to drive,
                                                                                   Check your tyres – if the tread is worn and is approaching 2mm, you
                                                                                   should consider not using it in icy condtions.
                                                                                   Whilst driving, reduce your speed and stay in a higher gear than normal
  Useful Contact Numbers and email address
  - 0161 888 4850/ – Automated menu for all main fleet suppliers or you can speak to the Fleet Admin team.
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