Page 61 - Kenwood Cook Book
P. 61
Savoury Spreads and
Liver Paste
USING LIQUIDISER Cut the liver and bacon into 1“ pieces.
6 oz calves’ or pigs’ liver Fry onions, bacon and garlic in 1 oz
2 rashers of fat bacon butter, then remove garlic.
1 medium onion, sliced Fry liver gently until just cooked.
2 oz butter or margarine Switch liquidiser on to minimum speed
(melted) and feed in pieces of liver and bacon
sliver of garlic through centre of lid.
salt, pepper Switch off, add the rest of the
ingredients and turn again to minimum
speed to blend.
Aubergine Spread
USING MINCER Cut the aubergine into thin slices without
1 aubergine (approx. ½ lb) peeling.
1 small onion Fry it in the oil with the onions until
2 hard cooked eggs lightly browned.
vinegar Pass this mixture and the eggs through
salt the mincer with the fine screen in
oil for frying (approx. 2 tbsp) position, on speed 4-5.
Season with vinegar and salt.
Tomato and Cheese Spread
USING LIQUIDISER Place all the ingredients into liquidiser,
½ lb cream cheese the tomato first.
1 medium sized ripe tomato Switch to speed 3-4 and blend till
1 thin slice onion smooth.
¼ tsp salt It will be necessary to switch off the
½ tsp paprika machine and scrape down sides of
goblet once or twice.
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