Page 68 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 68
Signs of Deception 109
Symptoms of deception Examples Significance
CONSCIOUS, unconscious 10 = High
or both 0 = Low
Failure to deny See page [xref] 10
Passive reaction to accusations Denials get weaker as the interview progresses 8
and lack of commitment
Declining strength of denials Throughout the interview, an innocent person’s 10
denials usually become stronger. A guilty person’s
objections become weaker
Pseudo denials In response to the question ‘Did you take the money?’ 10
Generalizations the suspect responds ‘I do not steal.’
Limited denials This is also a generalization
In response to the question ‘I think you are a crook
and a liar,’ the reply ‘I am not a liar’
Objections rather than A denial is a solid, usually first person, past tense 10
denials statement along the lines ‘I did not do it’ and is
usually a sign of innocence. An objection is used
because the suspect knows his case is weak and looks
for reinforcement. Typical objections are:
‘I could not have done it because I did not have the key
to the safe …’
‘I would not do such a thing’
‘I am not that sort of person’
‘I have no reason to do that’
Conditional denials ‘I would never do such a thing’ 7
Unsolicited denials For example: ‘I had a great time in Florida and the 7
hotel was great. The hire car was excellent but I did not
go out with any nice-looking blondes.’
This unsolicited denial suggests that blondes came
into the picture
Prevaricated denials Superfluous words before or after the apparent 8
Softened denials ‘I could not have done it, really …’ 10
‘I was not there, as such …’
Coughing or other non-verbal sounds at the start or
end of sentences
Motivational denials ‘I have no reason to do that’
‘I would have been crazy to do that’
Unjustified support Going too far in trying to convince 8
Referring to an unverifiable or irrelevant source for
corroboration. For example, ‘I did not take the money
and my mummy will confirm that’ or ‘Bill would confirm
he gave me permission but unfortunately he died last