Page 264 - MJC submissions
P. 264

               Local Distinctiveness – Local distinctiveness is the physical, environmental, economic or social
               factors that characterise an area (and most likely a combination of all four), as well as how an
               area interacts with others

               Sustainability Appraisal – Sustainability Appraisal is a tool for appraising policies to ensure that
               they reflect sustainable development objectives (i.e. social, economic and environmental
               factors). It is required under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act to be carried out on
               all Development Plan Documents and Supplementary Planning Documents.

               53  NEED
               2.  Under the NPPF, neighbourhood plans are required to demonstrate that a proposed
                   development responds to a local and legitimate need; that dwellings are built in the right
                   place, of the right type and size, and are supported by a commensurate infra-structure.

               3.  The Steering Group – responsible for preparing the AWNP - concluded that there were 27
                   qualifying households on council house waiting lists; only 8 of which made the village
                   their first choice.  There is not, as hyperbolised, a critical shortage of housing and since the
                   plan was prepared a number of windfall sites have emerged which confirm that targets
                   will be easily achieved.

               54  DISAGREEMENT AECOM
               4.  Whilst the steering group decided to publish the AECOM report alongside the pre-
                   submission version of the neighbourhood plan, MSDC raised a number of queries-----
                   which included the need to assess each site----- against sustainability objectives----together
                   with a brief explanation of why the selected option had been chosen--- the district council
                   raise concerns about the clarity of the report and presentation----and as a result of these
                   queries the steering group decided the more work on the contents and presentation of the
                   SA/SEA would be needed

               55  VISION
               the scoping survey and early consultation resulted in the following vision for the
               neighbourhood plan

               “to preserve and protect Ashurst Woods characteristics as a rural village, while at the same
               time ensuring that it remains a vibrant, safe and welcoming community and and attractive
               location for people to live

               56  TAYLOR AND CAPACITY
               7.  Mr Taylor had no justification – other than wishful thinking - for interpreting the term
                   “approximate capacity” as the basis for increasing the number of dwellings by 40%: from
                   50+ to 71 by adding 21 units of affordable housing. He is a town planning expert and
                   must have known that figures in Sustainability Reports and associated plans are usually
                   inclusive of affordable housing.

               E:\Cobasco\Personal,  House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC Plans theories and
               Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\5 Response to disclosures of 8th December.docx
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