Page 259 - MJC submissions
P. 259

Since windfall--- bottom line absolutely no need

               120 flats would go to out of areas--- commuting---- etc  15% rise in village density…

               Market demand
                   •  “Potential housing capacity” (also referred to as “anticipated housing capacity”  or
                       “indicative numbers of dwellings”) is not inviolable and can be increased or reduced,
                       depending on design and compatibility with the xxxxxx. However… no massive
                       variation  Given that Sustainability Appraisals were compiled with care, in strict
                       compliance with planning policies and principles, massive variations in capacity or
                       DdHa xxxx for a subsequent application would be exceptional.  And SHLAA

               NPPF planning applications should be determined in accordance with the development plan
               unless material considerations indicate otherwise, In this case the development plan comprises
               the MSDC Local Plan and more recent AWNP—more recent policy takes precedence and G3,
               B1, B3, B8, H2,T4,T5.CS13 and C5

               analysis of changes to the July 2018 plan which post-dates the local plan and must carry
               greater weight.  The development plan for the area includes NPPF, local plan (mid Sussex
               District Council district plan and I believe dominantly the Ashurst Wood neighbourhood plan
               and with it a presumption in favour of sustainable development (NPPF space para 11)

               339 significant changes----152 replacements, 97 insertions and 90 deletions…. Trend
               In some ways confusion and confliction may be an advantage because words can always be
               found to justify anything and others to oppose anything.  Hence my previous Humpty
               Dumpty comments.

               128.    Design quality should be considered throughout the evolution and assessment of individual
                       proposals. Early discussion between applicants, the local planning authority and local
                       community about the design and style of emerging schemes is important for clarifying
                       expectations and reconciling local and commercial interests.  Applicants should work closely
                       with those affected by their proposals to evolve designs that take account of the views of the
                       community. Applications that can demonstrate early, proactive and effective engagement with
                       the community should be looked on more favourably than those that cannot.
               OAN== market demand  glut--- horrible and unsellable

               29  PARA 5.2--- NO OPPOSING POLICIES
               the fundamental sustainability credentials of this scheme are evident….  I submit that in this
               case none of the other policies provide guidance that outweighs that fundamental

               the use of previously developed brownfield land is an important element sustainability and to
               make effective use of it--- making as much use as possible.  This site.  Where the within the
               definition of previously developed land at paragraph 70 of the new NPPF                            Page23

               E:\Cobasco\Personal,  House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC Plans theories and
               Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\5 Response to disclosures of 8th December.docx
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