Page 263 - MJC submissions
P. 263

               the application scheme achieves all of these objectives by applying a contemporary
               architectural idiom and has been modified in consultation with officers.  It is a well considered
               and attractive proposal that is, indeed sustainable and therefore commended for approval

               the draft proposal has not been submitted and I fail to understand how Mr Taylor can be so
               enthusiastic something about which he knows nothing.  I hesitate to say this but it seems to
               me like judging the beauty competition while the candidates….

               No OAN--- lost in a cloud with Cat 3 villages---


               100% priority to preserve

               46  MARKET SURVEY


               48  OFFICERS CAN SUPPORT
               1.  Recent correspondence ( states that
                   rather than taking an independent role, MSDC has held meetings and had other contact
                   with the developer to, as planners admit, “move to a point where the applicants have
                   submitted an application that officers can support”. Officers have offered  the developer
                   “informal” advice which is not recorded the planning portal or whose disclosure is
                   delayed by weeks. The result is that a state of secrecy is imposed and objectors, ambushed
                   and given insufficient time and information to react. This is akin to one party to judicial
                   proceedings being permitted unrestricted access to the judge while the other is locked in
                   the lavatory.

               49  CAPACITY
               “Potential housing capacity” (also referred to as “anticipated housing capacity”  or “indicative
               numbers of dwellings”) is not inviolable and can be increased or reduced, depending on
               design and compatibility with the xxxxxx. However… no massive variation  Given that
               Sustainability Appraisals were compiled with care, in strict compliance with planning policies
               and principles, massive variations in capacity or DdHa xxxx for a subsequent application
               would be exceptional.  And SHLAA


               Local Development Framework – Introduced by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act
               2004 as the replacement for Local Plans. It is the term used to describe the whole portfolio of
               planning policy documents (Local Development Documents) setting out the planning strategy
               and policies for the area. It consists of Development Plan Documents, Supplementary
               Planning Documents, a Statement of Community Involvement, the Local Development
               Scheme and the Annual Monitoring Report

               E:\Cobasco\Personal,  House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC Plans theories and
               Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\5 Response to disclosures of 8th December.docx
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