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No bank borrowings are secured with assets of property, plant and equipment as of December 31, 2023 and 2022.18. LeasesThe Group has lease contracts for various items of property, vehicles and equipment used in its operations. Leases of properties generally have lease terms between 3 and 15 years, while motor vehicles and equipment generally have lease terms between 3 and 5 years. The Group%u2019s obligations under its leases are secured by the lessor%u2019s title to the leased assets. Generally, the Group is restricted from assigning and subleasing the leased assets and therefore income from leasing is insignificant. There are several lease contracts that include extension and termination options and variable lease payments. Some leases provide for additional rent payments that are based on changes in local price indices.The table below analyzes the carrying amounts of right-of use assets recognized and the movements during the periods:in CHF millions Properties Vehicles Equipment TotalAs of January 1, 2022 259.3 11.4 3.2 273.9 Depreciation (71.6) (4.3) (1.5) (77.4) Additions 126.9 2.9 1.3 131.1 Acquisitions 0.9 - - 0.9 Exchange differences (10.8) (0.2) (0.1) (11.1) As of December 31, 2022 304.7 9.8 2.9 317.4 Depreciation (66.7) (3.9) (1.4) (72.0) Additions 36.5 3.2 0.9 40.6 Acquisitions 4.1 - - 4.1 Divestments (0.4) - - (0.4) Exchange differences (27.1) (0.9) (0.2) (28.2) As of December 31, 2023 251.1 8.2 2.2 261.5 DKSH Annual Report 2023 85