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                                    79www.i-am-magazine.comthe book cornerDiscover Who You Are to Overcome any Crisis!By Yadira Gonzalez Mu%u00f1ozHAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT WHO YOU ARE?WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR? WHAT IS YOUR WHY?YOUR PURPOSE IN & FOR YOUR LIFE? I'm NOT talkingabout your life roles or your social identity. You can be afriend, sister, employee, girlfriend, wife, mother, anddaughter all at the same time, but these are just an aspectof you. They don't represent WHO YOU fundamentally areon the inside. Your inner self is who you really are on theinside. To know your inner self is to know your purpose,values, vision, goals, motivations, and beliefs. Not whatyou have been told by others, but what you havediscovered for yourself.Is fear of failure stopping you from reaching your fullpotential? Maybe you have other fears preventing youfrom trying something new? You are not alone, but thereare ways to break through your fears! Award-winningwriter, Tim S. Marshall, teaches you how to recognize andconquer your fears in The Power of Breaking Fear. Learnto achieve the power you can create when you breakthrough your fears. Change your life forever.THE POWER OF BREAKING FEARBy Tim S. MarshallGet it at:Click to Buy
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