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www.i-am-magazine.com18Vision, BeyondWhat The NakedEye Can See!By LaQuita ParksVision is the ability to think about or plan the future withimagination or wisdom. Vision is more than just setting goals, it%u2019sa deep dive into one%u2019s heartfelt hopes and dreams. At the end of2022, I started speaking out loud about what I wanted to seemanifested in my life, not just for the new year but going forward.Like most people, I was looking for a new beginning or a newvision for my life.Since I was 4 years old, pain has been the focus of my life. Yes, Iwas able to do normal things, but I was doing those normal thingsevery day in a tremendous amount of pain. There was really nosuch thing as vision for me, at least not in the way that Iunderstand it now.Looking ahead was really something I couldn't do because I wasfocused on the present. What I was going through was moreimportant than what was going to happen in the future. When Iwas growing up people used to ask me what I wanted to be, and Iknew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I wanted to be a singer.