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www.i-am-magazine.com15So a nice guy or nice girl is someonewho%u2019s not themselves. They%u2019re saying tothemselves and other people %u201cI%u2019m not mebecause %u201cme%u201d is not good enough%u201d.Why Does This Pattern Repel People?This pattern repels people becausethey%u2019re saying that they%u2019re poor, theother person is rich, and they need anylittle bit of crumbs they throw at them tosurvive. Oh, and by the way, they get todecide if and how much they want togive the poor person.The nice girl or nice guy pattern saysthat they need to TAKE from others tosurvive. They might not act that wayexternally, but inside, if they sacrifice somuch of themselves, and you don%u2019t givethem what they want, you%u2019ll see a muchdifferent side to them come out.They%u2019ll feel hurt, frustrated, anddisappointed. You could see them getVERY angry with you because they thinkthat YOU broke the pact. They weresupposed to sacrifice themselves foryou, and you were supposed to givethem crumbs back. And now you didn%u2019t!That %u201ccaring%u201d you see isn%u2019t genuinecaring. It has conditions to it. Theymight ALSO be very caring people inside,but that conditioned pattern is notgenuine, it%u2019s a trade.Imagine someone so poor that they begfor you to give them anything. You mightbe a good-hearted person andunderstand how the other person feels.At the same time, whatever way youslice it, you won%u2019t respect that person, orat least won%u2019t think much of them. Youmight not take advantage of them assome people do, but you probably don%u2019ttruly want them around or want to be ina relationship with them long-term.An overall secure healthy person willeventually cut the people-pleaser out oftheir life as they don%u2019t want a poorperson bringing them down.