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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com19I didn't know how I was going to getthere, but I knew that I enjoyed singing,and people said I sounded pretty goodso, I thought I would one day be a singer.I wasn%u2019t even sure what kind of singer Iwould be. Although my life took adifferent career path, singing is still oneof my favorite things to do.Unlike most people, I don't recall everreally daydreaming because it wasalways the right now for me. I never evengrasped the concept of closing my eyesand envisioning where I saw myself infive or ten years. However, as an adultand as my children got older and left thehouse, I started to really apply thethought of seeing the vision of what Iwanted my future to look like. I begin tounderstand what it meant to havedreams and aspirations.While preparing to write this article, Iwanted to know the origin of the wordvision. Vision is derived from the Latinword v%u012bsi%u014d (%u201cvision, seeing%u201d) and the Greekword for vision is %u03cc%u03c1%u03b1%u03bc%u03b1 %u2022 (%u00f3rama) n(plural %u03bf%u03c1%u03ac%u03bc%u03b1%u03c4%u03b1) vision, goal. There arealso a number of synonyms for the word%u201cvision%u201d and some of my favorites areInspiration, Foresight, Creative Power,Perception, and Forethought. I love thesewords because they are personal to me.As I was %u201cgrowing%u201d into the woman that Iam and determining how I wanted toconduct my business and identifying myideal client%u2026understanding my %u201cwhy%u201d orthe vision I had, was vital but, I could notmake a move without God.As the CEO and Founder of Pa-Pro-ViPublishing, one of the first questions I askmy clients is, what is their anticipated
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