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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com20outcome for their book project? Inessence, I want them to tell me whatvision they have for their book after it ispublished. I always encourage them toput pen to paper and %u201cwrite the vision!%u201dHabakkuk 2:2 instructs us to write thevision And make it plain on tablets, sothat he may run who reads it.For as long as I can remember or at leastwhen I started rightly dividing thescriptures Proverbs 29:18 has alwaysbeen a great guide for me. Withoutvision, the people perish. Although thereare different translations, the NKJV says%u201cwhere there is no revelation, the peoplecast off restraint.%u201d From the beginning ofcreation, God imparted his wisdom toman. Genesis 3:15 says, And I will putenmity between you and the woman, Andbetween your seed and her seed; He shallbruise your head, and you shall bruise Hisheel. This verse was God's vision for theSalvation of mankind. From the momentGod said %u201clet there be light%u201d he had thevision to save those who believed in Him.I come from a long line of people withpoor eyesight. We all wear correctivelenses because none of us have 20/20vision. However, the ability to have avision from a God standpoint goes farbeyond what the naked eye can see.Whether you choose to take pen or pencilto paper, use a recorder to dictate, orsimply text notes to yourself, be veryclear about your vision. It is important forme that I align my vision with what Godwants for my life. I am so glad that God isall-seeing and all-knowing. There are nolimits to what God can do in our lives. Itis clear to me that I can do nothing or goanywhere without a clear vision. Don%u2019tforget%u2026 %u201cWrite the vision and make itplain!%u201dPlain equals%u2026keep it simple!LaQuita Parks-PublisherHelping you take your story froma \Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing LLCA Failure 2 Communicate LLC
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