Page 1 - Jewish News_September-2020
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L ’Shana Tova!
Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World
Celebrating Years The Jewish
September 2020 - Elul 5780 / Tishrei 5781 Volume 50, Number 8
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Federation to offer all virtual
13 Community Focus programming for the 2020-21 season
20 Jewish Interest
25 Jewish Happenings Staff Report
38 Israel & the Jewish World he Jewish Federation of Sara- door event for the coming Fall-Winter event. All answers clearly showed
sota-Manatee has made the dif-
2020-21 season?
39 Commentary Tficult decision that all programs As you can see, an overwhelming reluctance on the part of the com-
43 Focus on Youth for the 2020-21 season will be virtual. majority would not feel comfortable Many of the comments were en-
47 Life Cycle Chief Executive Officer Howard Tev- attending or thought it was too soon to lightening. Here are a few:
lowitz says, “In an effort to keep the tell. I will not be attending in the fore-
community safe, we feel we have no Other questions included at seeable future. Very glad you are
choice but to make this decision. The what capacity one would attend an asking, but no, no and NO!!!
health of our Federation family is too in-person event, what conditions With an older population to con-
important!” would have to be in effect to feel sider, no indoor events should be
In addition to the Coronavirus comfortable to attend an in-person planned until there is a vaccine.
cases that continue to climb in Flori- event (i.e., masks, sanitizers, etc.) Appreciate the varied programs
4 da, Tevlowitz points to the results of and when would you see yourself and films you’ve provided.
our recent event survey, which clearly
Where your dollars go: showed the community is not ready to ready to come out to an in-person continued on page 2
American Friends of attend in-person events for the foresee-
Leket Israel able future. “We have heard you loud LEVEL OF COMFORT TO ATTEND INDOOR EVENTS
and clear,” says Tevlowitz.
The event survey sent out 3 .2 % SURVEY RESULTS
via email and social media, was % .2 Percent Will avoid attending in-
answered by more than 550 re- 4.0 % 57door events for the foreseeable future
spondents. They were asked for 9.5
feedback about our current virtual % .2 Percent Have no concern about
12 programming and questioned about 57.2 3 attending indoor events
.0 Percent Would be nervous,
Lechlechallah – Challah baking how comfortable one would feel at- 4 but may still attend indoor events
tending in-person events this com-
taken to a new level ing season. We are so grateful that
.5 Percent Will attend so long as CDC/
so many in our community took the 9federal/state guidelines are strictly followed
time to let us know their thoughts.
The pie chart at right shows the % .1 Percent Think that it is too
answer to the main question: What is 26.1 26 soon to tell
your level of comfort attending an in-
16 Federation awards 2 phase of COVID-19
Temple Beth Sholom Catering: assistance to area Jewish organizations
Keeping connected and
kosher with Shabbat meals By Kim Adler, Chief Operating Officer, and Stacey Gillman, Stronger Together Granting Chair
n April of this year, The Jewish visual systems in order
Federation of Sarasota-Manatee to provide virtual ser-
Ibegan raising funds to provide vices and programs for
COVID-19 relief to Jewish organiza- our community mem-
tions in our two-county area. As of bers, many of whom are
this printing, our generous community isolated and alone due to
46 has contributed more than $330,000 to the pandemic.
our Stronger Together effort, including In July, the Stron-
The Gan plans an exciting a $100,000 matching grant from our ger Together Granting
and safe school year board-restricted fund. Committee met to re-
Readers may recall that we distrib-
PAID POLITICAL uted close to $70,000 of those dollars view applications for the second phase mittee focused its efforts on fulfilling
of the granting process. The response
those grants that address Food Secu-
ADVERTISEMENT to eight Jewish organizations and syna- was overwhelming. The committee rity and Health/Wellness programming
DISCLAIMER gogues in early June to support Food received requests totaling more than for this phase. The committee recom-
This issue of The Jewish News contains a paid Security and Health/Wellness pro- was available to distribute, which was mended and received Board approval
political advertisement. The ad does not gramming, including helping a number concerning as the plan was to make a for $157,660 in grants for the follow-
reflect the views of, or serve as endorsement of synagogues make much-needed up- third phase of grants available in early ing programs:
by, the staff or leadership of The Jewish
Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. grades to their technology and audio- fall. After much deliberation, the com- continued on page 2
A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life NON-PROFIT ORG.
Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232 U.S. POSTAGE
Annual voluntary subscription: $25 PAID
See our ad on page 3A
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