Page 2 - Jewish News_March 2021
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2A                         March 2021                                                                   FEDERATION NEWS

     Chaifetz Family Holocaust Remembrance Park...continued from page 1A
     Federation of Sarasota-Manatee board   subject matter. “They want the various   is  joy  mixed  in  with  the  foreboding   lined up against the barbed wire of the
     member  Wayne Ruben, who is also     sculptures to tell a story, so the sculp-  sense of what is yet to come,” he said.  camps. There  will  be  figures  in  front
     chair  of the campus redevelopment   tures must each relate to the other.”     The  second  piece,  Olszewski  ex-  of the wall, a couple in hemp garb,
     team.                                    One of the pieces Olszewski has   plained, is very simple. “It is an echo   looking emaciated, and another couple
        “I was at a show in Sarasota, and   proposed is of three children walking   of  other  Holocaust  pieces  that  have   dressed in modern clothes  – in other
     Wayne  Ruben lives  just  a  couple  of   along a railroad track, which, he not-  been  created,  in that  it  will  focus on   words,  figures  from  the  past  and  the
     blocks from where that particular show   ed, is suggestive of the train trips to   the abandoned shoes, cast in bronze. It,   present. The modern couple would be
     was being held,” Olszewski explained.   Dachau and other concentration camps.   too, will be very powerful.”     expressing some sort of love and ten-
     “He came by, really liked a piece                                                                                derness for the victims,  whose faces
     (which he bought), and we ended up                                                                               would reflect dignity and strength.”
     talking about this project for the Fed-                                                                              Olszewski noted that  his plans
     eration.”                                                                                                        are preliminary and may change as he
        Ruben, who describes himself as                                                                               begins his actual work on the project.
     a  lover  of  fine  art,  was  immediately                                                                       “For me, each piece I work on unfolds
     impressed  with  Olszewski upon their                                                                            as I am working on it, as even better
     meeting. “I found him to be not only                                                                             ideas present themselves.”
     incredibly  talented,  but  also  humble,                                                                            At press time, Olszewski was plan-
     unpretentious  and  just  a  really  nice                                                                        ning on returning to Florida in Febru-
     guy,” Ruben said.                                                                                                ary, with hopes to be able to walk the
        After that initial  meeting,  Ruben                                                                           site of the installation, which, he says,
     invited Olszewski to meet with the                                                                               “will help me envision each piece in its
     Federation  CEO Howard  Tevlowitz                                                                                actual setting.”
     and  Major  Gifts  Officer  Rich  Berg-                                                                              The talented artist adds, “A lot of
     man. That was prior to the start of the                                                                          who I am goes into each piece I cre-
     Covid-19 virus. “During the pandemic,                                                                            ate. My life experiences, my interest in
     Olszewski became a student of the Ho-                                                                            history, the Kubler-Ross books and my
     locaust, learning everything he could.                                                                           visit to Dachau all provided the inspi-
     With  the  help  of  fine  artist  Nancy                                                                         ration for this project. I have had peo-
     Krutchfield, he provided six beautiful                                                                           ple tell me over the years that I should
     drawings of the sculptures he was en-                                                                            do something for a Holocaust museum,
     visioning.                           One child is walking the rails, looking   For the third piece,  Olszewski   and now I have the opportunity to do
        “His pieces project such a power-  back to where he has come from. An-  plans on creating a wall relief that will   just that. I believe these are going to be
     ful message that links the past, present   other is looking down the tracks, and   include  a menorah.  The background   really important pieces.”
     and the future,” Ruben said. In a Zoom   he is the one with the understanding of   would be shattered glass (symbolic   For more information on how you
     meeting with David and Edie Chaifetz,   what’s going on, with a sense of fear   of Kristallnacht),  and at  the  bottom   can  become  involved  in the  redevel-
     the  couple  was incredibly  impressed   and foreboding about the future. In   there  will  be  children  looking out  at   opment of The Larry & Mary Green-
     with both the artist and his drawings,”   front of them is a little boy who is just   the scene. From their expressions, the   spon Family Campus for Jewish Life,
     Ruben added                          playing with rocks, too innocent to un-  children  know something  isn’t  right,   please  contact  Ilene  Fox  at  ifox@
        Olszewski said he was very excited   derstand all that is happening.    yet with a child’s fascination they look  or  941.343.2111,  or  Rich
     by both the scope of the project and the   “I like this idea a lot because there   up at the camera. “This was inspired by   Bergman  at  or
                                                                                powerful pictures I found of children   941.552.6306.

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       Matchmaking for Young
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         Florida’s West Coast

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