Page 3 - Jewish News_March 2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                             March 2021                                    3A

     Committee undertakes search for new CEO...continued from page 1A
 lined up against the barbed wire of the  had  the  competency  to  find  the  right   whittled down. A list of potential can-  Who does the Jewish community turn to for
 camps. There  will  be  figures  in  front  person.”  didates will be presented to the search   the most trusted service in real estate?
 of the wall, a couple in hemp garb,   Sageview has already posted the   committee,  which will decide which
 looking emaciated, and another couple  position, “spreading a wide net” in or-  candidates  they want to interview.
 dressed in modern clothes  – in other  der to find the best candidates.   Those who make it past that committee
 words,  figures  from  the  past  and  the   Morganroth said the 33-acre cam-  interview will then be interviewed by
 present. The modern couple would be  pus redevelopment project changes the   staff and community members. Once it
 expressing some sort of love and ten-search  parameters.  “We  are  going  to   is narrowed down to two to three final-
 derness for the victims,  whose faces  have a variety of new facilities, such as   ists, they will be reinterviewed by the
 would reflect dignity and strength.”  the event center, the cultural center and   committee, which will make a recom-  Contributing to the
 Olszewski noted that  his plans  the day camp,” he explained. “I look   mendation and present it to the board,   prosperity of our
 are preliminary and may change as he  at each of these as start-up businesses.   which will have the final say on who   Jewish Community
 begins his actual work on the project.  Therefore, our CEO must know how to   gets hired.                    since 1979!
 “For me, each piece I work on unfolds  manage the start-up of a new business   The new CEO will have big shoes   Ryan Ackerman  Barbara Ackerman
 as I am working on it, as even better  and how to grow it, while maintaining   to  fill.  Tevlowitz  has  spent  his  entire   941.387.1818           941.780.6045
 ideas present themselves.”  its  fiscal  responsibility.  That  requires   career working with Jewish Federa-  #1 Small Team in Sarasota and Manatee County
 At press time, Olszewski was plan-a strong background in business and     tions in Philadelphia, Minneapolis and
 ning on returning to Florida in Febru-‘entrepreneurism’ – MBA kind of cre-  Long Beach, California, before coming
 ary, with hopes to be able to walk the  dentials,” he said.  to Sarasota.
 site of the installation, which, he says,   “While normally we would be   At The Jewish Federation of Sara-
 “will help me envision each piece in its  looking for someone who has a strong   sota-Manatee,  his accomplishments
 actual setting.”  familiarity with Jewish Federation pro-  are  many, and  include  re-envisioning
 The talented artist adds, “A lot of  grams and activities,  because of the   the Federation’s 33-acre Larry & Mary   Point your cell camera at this QR code  Point your cell camera at this QR code  REWARDS
 who I am goes into each piece I cre-campus build-out, we are looking for   Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish
 ate. My life experiences, my interest in  someone to lead the organization who   Life, for which an ongoing capital cam-                 UP TO               UP TO
 history, the Kubler-Ross books and my  is like Howard, plus a really strong busi-  paign has already raised more than $18   STOPPERS  $ 3000             $  3000
 visit to Dachau all provided the inspi-nessperson. That is why we are casting   million. He also established a LIFE &   Pd by CSTF  of Sarasota County  sarasota  sarasota
                                                                                                  of Sarasota County
                                                                                    Pd by CSTF Pd by CSTF
 ration for this project. I have had peo-such a wide net,” Morganroth added.  LEGACY™ community-wide endow-                             THAT LEAD TO AN ARREST  THAT LEAD TO AN ARREST
                                                                                                                                                            FOR ANONYMOUS TIPS
                                                                                                                                         FOR ANONYMOUS TIPS
 ple tell me over the years that I should   “This person needs to have multi-  ment campaign that has secured more   941-366-TIPS
 do something for a Holocaust museum,  ple skills. We also wouldn’t choose a   than $20 million in legacy gifts for 10
                                                                                   SEE SOMETHING? SAY SOMETHING!
                                                                                   SEE SOMETHING?  SAY SOMETHING!
 and now I have the opportunity to do  businessperson who would not also be   area  Jewish institutions. And, he cre-  SEE SOMETHING?  SAY SOMETHING!
 just that. I believe these are going to be  a strong fundraiser and nonprofit lead-  ated a security infrastructure to ensure
 really important pieces.”  er, especially  because  our Federation   the safety of the Jewish community.
 For more information on how you  is so entwined in our community – not   “Howard’s dedication to our Jew-
 can  become  involved  in the  redevel-just the Jewish community, but the en-  ish community for more than 20 years,
 opment of The Larry & Mary Green-tire Sarasota and Manatee  communi-  his vision of what great things we can
 spon Family Campus for Jewish Life,  ties,” he added.  achieve for ourselves and for future
 please  contact  Ilene  Fox  at  ifox@  The  other  factor  the  committee   generations, has been inspiring for all  or  941.343.2111,  or  Rich  will be keeping in mind is that Tevlow-  our community members and donors,”
 Bergman  at  or  itz is not disappearing once he retires.   said  Randon Carvel.  “Because  of his
 941.552.6306.  “Our plan is to hire this person and   leadership, we are in a position to tru-  FELDMAN
     have them on board by July 1. Tevlow-  ly begin the transformational changes
     itz has promised to help with the tran-  that will serve our community for years   WEALTH ADVISORY
     sition, and will not actually be retiring   to come. We owe a debt of gratitude
     until the end of the year. He will be   to this amazing  man.  Fortunately, al-
     here,  during  this  six-month  transition   though he will be retiring, we are glad   JOSEPH M. FELDMAN, CFP ®
     period, to help the new CEO learn the   to know he is staying in Sarasota where   CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ™  PROFESSIONAL
     community, and learn the Federation’s   he can continue to do good deeds.”
     functions and programs.  That means      “It is not my intention to say good-   941.260.9174   |  JFELDMAN@FELDMANWA.COM   |
     it could be someone local or someone   bye,” Tevlowitz said. “Instead, it is my
     from outside our area.”              firm and sincere belief that this year-    INVESTMENTS     FINANCIAL PLANNING     INSURANCE
        The next step is that Sageview will   long transition is necessary to take us
                                                                                     ADVISERS, INC., A SEC REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISOR. 130 SPRINGSIDE DRIVE, AKRON, OH 44333. 800-765-5201. FELDMAN WEALTH
     ations and reference checking, and the   For more  information  on the          ADVISORY, LLC IS A SEPARATE ENTITY FROM VALMARK SECURITIES, INC. AND VALMARK ADVISERS, INC.
     list of candidates who they feel would   CEO  search,  please  contact  carin@
     be suitable for the job will begin to get
       Why WE belong                                                                                  WE BUY GOLD,

                                                                                          DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY.
       The new Federation complex will
       have a huge impact on the
       Jewish community and
       the community in
       general.  What we’re
       doing here is magic!

       Larry & Mary Greenspon

                                                                                                                  EST. 1979

                                                                                                1484 Main Street  |  Sarasota, FL

                                                                                              (941) 312-5566  |

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