Page 8 - Jewish News_March 2021
P. 8
Construction begins on Greenspon Campus
By Kim Adler, Chief Operating Officer
know I speak on behalf of our en- of the new Entry/Welcome Center. secure in this new space. Staff Office nyone with access to media
tire staff and lay leadership team This area will offer a comfortable space Additionally, the outdoor area sur- Roz Goldberg: and keeping up with national
I when I say how excited we are to in which to greet Federation guests, rounding the building will be updated. Welcome Center/Entry Aheadlines can feel the rising
share that construction has officially showcase our upcoming programs and Plans call for three beautiful gardens, Ruth and Ahron Haspel: tide of hatred in our country. It comes
begun on The Larry & Mary Green- projects, or even hold a small, informal some with seating areas: Jerusalem Conference Room in many forms, and for our communi-
spon Family Campus for Jewish Life! meeting. Garden, Shalom Garden and Kehillah Bonnie and Bob Israeloff: ty, antisemitism is the constant concern
This announcement has been at least With the addition of a number of Garden. Staff Nook that follows our thoughts.
18 months in the making. flexible meeting spaces planned in the The new space should be complet- Nancy and Dr. Joseph Jacobson: As has been reported by the Anti-
Our Federation staff offices have Morganroth Event Center and the Cul- ed by mid- to late-summer. Staff Break Room Defamation League (ADL) and numer-
been stripped down to the studs in tural Arts and Education building, the We are grateful to the many donors The Kretzmer Family: ous news outlets, including NPR, The
administrative offices will no longer who have generously contributed to Jerusalem Garden Times of Israel and The New Yorker,
serve as a venue for large internal or the renovated indoor and outdoor ad- Sheree and Larry Zaslavsky: over the last few years there contin-
community meetings. And, as securi- ministrative space: Lobby and Welcome Desk ues to be a wave of overt aggression,
ty is a primary focus throughout our Lynn and Randon Carvel: Additional naming opportunities harassment, vandalism and assault to-
campus, Jewish Community Security Board Room are still available. Please contact Ilene ward Jews in the United States in their
Director Jeff Solomon has been hard at Judy and Eric Fox: Fox at 941.343.2113 or ifox@jfedsrq. places of worship, cemeteries, schools
work with his committee to ensure that Meeting Room org to schedule a virtual campus tour and universities, demonstrations on the
Demolition of Klingenstein Center lobby our staff and visitors will be safe and Helen and Len (z”l) Glaser: to learn more. street and, most recently, even our fed-
preparation for a complete interior re- eral buildings and our seat of govern-
model, which will retain the original ment.
building footprint and exterior walls. According to the Homeland Threat
The newly designed space will fea- Assessment from the Department of
ture a contemporary look and feel with Homeland Security (DHS) in October
additional workspaces to accommodate 2020, “White supremacist groups are
our growing staff. Plans include two the single most dangerous domestic
conference rooms, each to be equipped extremist threat to the nation.” Many
with technology for virtual meetings members of these groups are Domes-
and presentations, a staff break room, tic Violent Extremists (DVEs) and are
and a walkway that connects our ad- motivated by a range of issues, plotting
ministrative building to the Cultural and, on occasion, carrying out attacks
Arts and Education building next door against government facilities. Many
for easy access. have exhibited overt antisemitic say-
As the construction moves for- ings and symbols on their clothing and,
ward, our staff and lay leadership team have at times, chanted expressions
are in the final stages of selecting the reminiscent of Adolf Hitler and the
furniture, finishes and fixtures for the Nazi regime.
space. I am so thrilled for our readers Editorials found in The Washing-
to see just how beautiful this space will
be! This rendering provides a glimpse Rendering of new Klingenstein Center lobby
Where events belong
There will be an event for everyone at the reimagined
Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life!
Our signature events: Women’s Day, Jewish Film Festival,
Community Lecture, Major Gift dinners — or special programs like
Violins of Hope — all will have a home at the Joel and Gail Morganroth
Event Center on the new Federation campus.
Our expansive Kaplan and Lesher Community Hall will seat 500 guests
banquet style or 1,000 auditorium style, with ample parking,
state-of-the-art AV, and more.
Our events will come home to the Federation campus!
For more information, or to join us in this historic reimagination, visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/ProudStrong