Page 5 - Jewish News_March 2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                             March 2021                                    5A

                                          JFNA Virtual Mission to Washington, D.C.

                                          Staff Report
                                                 he Jewish Federations of North   Portman (Ohio), Rep. Bennie Thomp-  of democracy, and if we advocate for
                                                 America  (JFNA)  held  its  first   son (Michigan)  and Speaker  of the   all, we will also be helping the Jewish
                Established 1971          Tever national Jewish  Virtual        House Nancy Pelosi (California). The   community.
                 PUBLISHER                Mission to  Washington, D.C., in ear-  speakers all noted the rise in domestic   Session: Closing
     The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee  ly  February. Communities  across the   terrorism and antisemitism  in recent   Written by David & Edie Chaifetz
           The Larry & Mary Greenspon     United States virtually met with mem-  years.  They  talked  about  the  expan-  The  new Israeli  Ambassador to  the
          Family Campus for Jewish Life   bers of the new Biden administration   sion of the Non-Profit Security Grant   United States and the United Nations,
           Klingenstein Jewish Center     and bi-partisan  Congressional leaders   Program as an important resource for   Gilad Erdan, spoke about the issues on
              580 McIntosh Road
            Sarasota, FL 34232-1959       to advocate  for the priorities  of the   non-profits, funding for which has been   which he will focus, namely strength-
              Phone: 941.371.4546         Jewish community. Participants  had   increased. The provisions of this pro-  ening  the  bi-partisan  U.S.-Israel rela-
               Fax: 941.378.2947          the opportunity to learn about what is   gram  have  helped  non-profits  –  both   tionship,  addressing  climate  change,
         E-mail:   being done to fight antisemitism, main-  Jewish and non-Jewish – to “harden”   building  on the Abraham Accords to
           Website:       tain  a strong U.S.-Israel relationship,   their physical facilities and to hire se-  expand the “circle of Peace” with ad-
             Published Monthly            ensure  governmental  resources are   curity personnel. They also discussed   ditional Arab and Muslim nations, and
            Volume 51, Number 3           there  to  keep  communal  institutions   the Never Again Education Act, which   strengthening ties between the Ameri-
                 March 2021               thriving and provide for the vulnerable,   promotes Holocaust education and not-  can and Israeli Jewish communities.
                  56 pages                such as Holocaust survivors.          ed the need for increased awareness of    Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel
             USPS Permit No. 167              Four couples from our Sarasota-   the Holocaust.                        Dan  Shapiro  expressed  hope  that  the
          April 2021 Issue Deadlines:     Manatee  area  participated.  Here is   Session: Jewish Civic Engagement    Biden administration  would build on
            Editorial: March 1, 2021      some of their feedback on the event:  Written by David & Lori Liner         the Abraham Accords. There was little
           Advertising: March 4, 2021     Session: Lifelines for Communities    Community  leaders  Joe Kanfer  (Ak-  likelihood  expressed  of  an  agreement
            CHANGE OF ADDRESS:            Written by Elaine & Ted Gast          ron, Ohio) and Maharat Rori Picker    with the Palestinian Authority.
      Inquiries can be sent to Bonnie Souther   This session covered a range of topics.   Neiss  (St.  Louis,  Missouri)  discussed   Congressman Michael McCaul
             or call 941.371.4546 x0      The following were of particular interest:  how participating in American democ-  (Texas), Ranking Member on the House
                                          ‹    Senator  Mitch McConnell  (Ken-  racy  is  a  core  part  of  the  American   Foreign Affairs Committee, emphasized
      PRESIDENT                               tucky) spoke about the Senate’s   Jewish experience.                    the bi-partisan committee support for
      Randon Carvel                           strong support of Israel and its op-  Both speakers agreed that Jews    the U.S.-Israel relationship and also
                                              position to BDS and antisemitism.   have a long history of discussing and   cited the importance of the  Abraham
      Howard Tevlowitz                        He thanked JFNA for its vision and   debating issues, dating back to the Tal-  Accords in making a statement about
                                              philanthropy.                     mud,  and  it  is critically  important  to   peace to both Iran and the Palestinians.
      SENIOR DIRECTOR OF                  ‹    Senators  Jacky  Rosen  (Nevada)   listen to and understand all points of   Congressman  Ted Deutch (Flori-
      COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING              and  James  Langford  (Oklahoma)   view on any given topic, regardless of   da) also mentioned the bi-partisanship
      Marty Katz                              discussed the bi-partisan Joint Task   whether it is a position one agrees with.   in  Congress  on  Israel  and  the  fight
                                              Force to Oppose Antisemitism that   Kanfer also stressed that when we   against antisemitism. The bottom line
      MANAGING EDITOR                         they established. This Task  Force   work together, we can have an impact   of this session was that there are some
      Ted Epstein
                                              is the first organized effort in the   that  we cannot  have  working alone.   positive developments to build on, and
      ADVERTISING SALES                       Senate to confront the issue. It has   Neiss added that American Jews have   we have friends on both sides of the
      Adam Kaplan – 941.552.6307              already  had notable  accomplish-  benefited  from  the  American  model   aisle in Congress to help get us there.
                                              ments. The Senators feel that with-
      PROOFREADERS                            out the establishment of the Task
      Edward D. Cohen, Pam Ierulli,           Force, the Never Again Education
      Rhonda Kaplan, Marianne Mandell,        Act of 2019 would not have been
      Elliot Ofsowitz, Jeff Sherman, Jill     enacted and funded. The act is in-
      Simons, Linda Stern, Bryna Tevlowitz
                                              tended  to prevent  the  Holocaust
      MISSION STATEMENT: The Jewish News of   from fading  from the  country’s
      Sarasota-Manatee strives to be the source of   consciousness. Pursuant to the act,
      news and features of special interest to the   $10 million has been allocated for
      Jewish community of Sarasota-Manatee, to
      provide a forum for the exchange of ideas   the development of Holocaust cur-
      and opinions in the Jewish community, and   riculums by the United States Ho-
      to communicate the mission, activities and   locaust Memorial Museum.
      achievements of the Federation and its Jew-  ‹   Representative  Karen Bass (Cali-
      ish community partners.                 fornia) pointed out that in order to
      OPINIONS printed in The Jewish News of Sara-  effectively fight the Covid pandem-
      sota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect those   ic,  the  country  must  take  aggres-
      of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Mana-  sive by-partisan steps to eliminate
      tee, its Board of Directors or staff.
                                              health and income inequality.
      SUBMISSIONS to The Jewish News are sub-    All of the legislators who took part
      ject to editing for space and content, and   ‹
      may be withheld from publication without   in  the  session  expressed  a  desire
      prior notice. Approval of submissions for   for bi-partisan  cooperation.  After
      publication in either verbal or written form   the divisiveness that has pervaded
      shall always be considered tentative, and   the last four years, one can only
      does not imply a guarantee of any kind.   hope that their desire turns into a
      Submissions must be sent electronically to
                                              reality.             Session: Strategies and Resources for                         L’Chayim
      LETTERS to the editor should not exceed 300
      words, must be typed, and include the writer’s   Protecting the Jewish Community
      name, mailing address and phone number.   Written by Larry & Carol Shatoff
      Letters can be submitted via USPS or email   The session began with remarks by
      ( Not all letters will   Cedric  Richmond,  Senior  Advisor to
      be published. Letters may be edited for length   President Biden. Mr. Richmond  re-
      and content.
                                          viewed  the  administration’s priorities     Here’s “to Life” on the Gulf Coast
      ADVERTISING: Publisher reserves the right   for  the  first  100  days,  including  han-
      to refuse any advertisement and may require   dling the pandemic,  promoting  racial   Committed to the Jewish Community for over 20 years,
      the words “Paid Advertisement” in any ad.                                              Stacy is passionate about real estate and strives
      Publication of advertisements does not con-  equity,  and  dealing  with  immigra-  to build ever-lasting relationships based on exceptional service,
      stitute endorsement of products, services or   tion,  the  economic  crisis and  climate
      ideas promoted therein.             change. He also reviewed the $1.9                  uncompromising values and a strong work ethic.
                                          trillion Covid Relief Bill. And he not-
                                          ed that we cannot give safe harbor to                                           941.266.0529
                                          those who spew hate  even when we                               
                                          agree with them on policy.
                                              Later  speakers  were  Senator  Tim
                                          Scott  (South Carolina),  Senator  Rob                                    1605 Main Street • Sarasota, FL 34236 • 941.951.6660
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