Page 7 - Jewish News_March 2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                             March 2021                                    7A

     Viewing made easy for

 Staff Report  the Jewish Film Festival
 community.  These  are  unprecedented
 times and we need to come together as  By Jeremy Lisitza, Director of Innovation & Volunteer Engagement
 a community and support and comfort   e hope you have purchased   ets. Also, you’ll see a list of frequently
 each other.”  your tickets  to the Jewish   asked questions (FAQ) that will answer
 JFCS  CEO  Arthur  Lerman  re- WFilm Festival, running from   many of the questions you likely have.
 minds the community  this is not the  March  1  -  March  25.  We’ve  made  it   Here are some of the questions found
 time to be a hero. “Jews are good at of- easier than ever to watch from home!  on its FAQ page:
 fering help and not good at asking for   The Festival  is now being hos-  ‹   Can I watch content on my
 help. In order to make sure that money  ted on a new web platform called     iPhone/iPad?
 isn’t an obstacle, we are offering it at  Eventive.  We  are  very  excited  about   ‹   Can I watch content on my
 no charge. We hope you will speak up  using this new platform as it will give   Android device?
     our audience participants a much more   ‹   How do I play the movie on my
                                                                                     Happy Passover!
     “user friendly” way to view the films    TV?
     beyond the  computer.  Viewers can   ‹    What if my movie won’t play?

                                                                                     Wishing you joy and many blessings

                                                                                    at Passover and throughout the year.

 and get the assistance you need to get                                                          -  From the Temple Beth Israel Family!
 through what are  temporary circum-
 JFCS’s mission is to provide sup-
 port during these challenging times.  watch the films on their televisions or   To  get  your  tickets,  visit  jfedsrq.  JOIN US FOR VIRTUAL PASSOVER
 Remember, the Jewish community’s  through a streaming device such as an   org/jff, then go to “Click Here to Pur-
 help is just a phone call away.  Amazon Fire TV or Roku.   chase Festival Pass  &  Tickets at the             Check our website for updates or
 If you  are  in  need  of  assistance,   In addition,  Eventive  provides an   Box  Office.”  Are  you  interested  in   send us an email to join our weekly
 please call JFCS at 941.366.2224 and  extensive volume of tech support tools   sponsoring the Festival?  It’s not too      email list!
 ask for Pam Baron at extension 112 or  on its site. You can chat with someone   late!  For information,  contact  me  at
 Arthur Lerman at extension 111.  in real time,  from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 or 941.343.2113.
     p.m. daily, while you buy your tick-                                         TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL
                                                                                  567 BAY ISLES RD. LONGBOAT KEY, FL 34228
     Chef Michael Solomonov                                                       (941) 383-3428 email:

     returns for Passover                                                          Visit Us!

     By Trudi Krames, Sr. Director of Programming

              hat makes this night differ-  demonstration was so successful with
              ent from all  other nights?   thousands of households participating
     WThe return of Chef Michael          from over 25 communities around the
     Solomonov, James Beard  Foundation   continent, we had to bring him back for
     Award-winning Israeli chef and restau-  one more demo! This time, at the invita-
     rateur, for a final holiday                       tion of dozens of Feder-
     cooking  extravaganza                             ations, Chef Solomonov
     this program season!                              will  share  some  special
        The  menu he will                              recipes for making Pass-
     be demonstrating virtu-                           over tastier than ever.
     ally on Tuesday, March                               The event link and
     16 at 8:00 p.m. was de-                           password, recipes and
     signed especially for the                         ingredient  list will be
     holiday of Passover, and                          emailed  to  registered
     includes charoset, nina                           participants  one  week
     with ground beef, car-                            prior to the event.          Chag Sameach
                                                                                     Chag Sameach
     damom and coffee, and                                This program is free
     another  surprise  dish                           and is a Passover hol-
     that’s sure to WOW that   Chef Michael Solomonov  iday gift to you from          Wishing you and your loved ones a
     will be announced closer to the event.   The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
        Solomonov is best known for his   Manatee. ENJOY! For more informa-                           Happy Passover.
     highly  acclaimed  Philadelphia  restau-  tion,  contact  me  at  tkrames@jfedsrq.
     rant, Zahav. His Chanukah cooking    org or 941.706.0037.

                      Quickly Locate all of your favorite Jewish                                                 Dr. Robert Finkelstein, D.O.
                      organizations, clubs and service providers online.                                      6771 Professional Parkway West
                                                                                                                             Suite 203
                                                                                                                      Sarasota, FL 34240

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