Page 4 - Jewish News_March 2021
P. 4
Legacy: yours and ours – how donors are ensuring
the future of the Jewish Federation
By Lisa Feinman, Resource Development Manager
nder the guidance of the Har- tions that helped others. He felt an im- support this than leaving a legacy to is the perfect way to do this. I hope that
old Grinspoon Foundation and mense responsibility to give and used The Jewish Federation of Sarasota- more of our community will see the
Uthe leadership of LIFE & LEG- to say, ‘If we don’t do it, who will?’ Manatee and to my temple with all of importance of protecting our heritage
ACY™ Director Gisele Pint-chuck, I have followed those words all my their wonderful Jewish programming and our people, and will step up to the
The Jewish Federation of Saraso- life.” and support for Israel.” plate. Many people don’t understand
ta-Manatee has spent the last four Her husband Bart Levenson add- But the LIFE & LEGACY ™ ini- that small gifts are so appreciated. We
years educating the community about ed, “We get great pleasure from giving tiative was not the beginning of legacy cannot all be the big givers, howev-
the benefits of legacy giving – the tan- and supporting our Federation as well giving in our community. It follows in er, we can all carve a little out of our
gible realization of one’s values sown as many other organizations. It makes the footsteps of leaders like Beatrice savings and redirect these funds to the
for future generations to reap. Over us happy. We feel fortunate we can do Friedman, who established the Bea LIFE & LEGACY initiative. It’s such a
the years, you have heard how these it, and as we are getting older, we feel Friedman Legacy Society more than feel-good thing to do.”
efforts have built stronger endowments there is no reason to save for ourselves. 30 years ago to ensure that the Feder- The members of almost 70 house-
for many of our local Jewish organi- We have all we need, but these organi- ation would have funds to sustain op- holds were inspired by Bea Friedman
zations and strengthened our relation- zations still have a long way to go, and erations into the future and beyond her to ensure that the remarkable achieve-
ships. As we come to the end of our they need us. This is our mission for own lifetime. ments accomplished by their support
fourth year of this endeavor, we are the rest of our lives.” Many donors felt then, as Judy would be perpetuated for generations
pleased to note that legacy giving has Alice Cotman shared the impor- Weintraub Fox feels now, “Tzeda- to come by endowing their Lion of
become part of the Federation’s lan- tance of sustaining the Jewish com- kah is a sacred commandment and a Judah and annual campaign contribu-
guage and the culture of our commu- munity from generation to generation. learned behavior. Participating in lega- tions. To their ranks, we have added 87
nity. “My parents had always spoken about cy giving is my way to pass on this val- LIFE & LEGACY donors who have
When asked why she gives, Joan how the Jewish religion has lasted for ue which has been an integral part of made legacy commitments estimated
Levenson said, “My father used to tell millennia and that it was up to us (my my upbringing. I want to ensure there to value over $5 million in just the last
me when I was growing up about the sisters and me) to continue this tradi- is a strong, vital Jewish community four years. These gifts form a criti-
importance of supporting organiza- tion. I can’t think of a better way to long after I am gone.” cal part of the Federation’s long-term
And as we adapt to meet the new plans for sustainability.
STAY CONNECTED STAY CONNECTED needs of our community, we share the Federation CEO Howard Tevlow-
concerns and sentiments of Geri Drex- itz said, “The Jewish Federation of
ler. “My husband Lenny and I have al- Sarasota-Manatee invested in this ini- than ever, with the rise in antisemitism ed the call. If this isn’t an investment in
tiative to build community…now and
ways felt that it is so important to give
back to our community. Now, more
in the future. The community has heed-
a strong future, I don’t know what is.”
and the rise in racism and hatred in
For more information about the
general, we must ensure that our Jew-
ish heritage will thrive again in our be-
LIFE & LEGACY program, please
loved country now and throughout the
contact Ilene Fox at 941.343.2111 or
ages. The LIFE & LEGACY initiative
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