Page 6 - Jewish News_March 2021
P. 6

6A                         March 2021                                                                   FEDERATION NEWS

                                                                                Help is a phone call away

                                                                                Staff Report
                                                                                      o say these  are  challenging   community.  These  are  unprecedented
                                                                                      times is an understatement. The   times and we need to come together as
                                                                                Tsocial isolation of Covid-19, the    a community and support and comfort
                                                                                difficulty  of  getting  the  vaccine,  anx-  each other.”
                                                                                iety associated with the political  tur-  JFCS  CEO  Arthur  Lerman  re-
                                                                                moil gripping our country and the rise   minds the community  this is not the
                                                                                of antisemitism is a lot to deal with.   time to be a hero. “Jews are good at of-
                                                                                You may find yourself needing support   fering help and not good at asking for
                                                                                more than ever before.                help. In order to make sure that money
                                                                                    The Jewish community is here for   isn’t an obstacle, we are offering it at
                                                                                you. JFCS of the Suncoast, in partner-  no charge. We hope you will speak up
                                                                                ship with  The Jewish Federation of
                                                                                Sarasota-Manatee, is now offering its
                                                                                services at no cost to the Jewish com-
                                                                                munity. JFCS staff and volunteers are
                                                                                available  to provide  a friendly voice,

                                                                                                                      and get the assistance you need to get
                                                                                                                      through what are  temporary circum-
                                                                                counseling, caregiver support, bereave-  stances.”
                                                                                ment support groups, pastoral care, de-   JFCS’s mission is to provide sup-
                                                                                livered meals and temporary financial   port during these challenging times.
                                                                                assistance, all with strict confidentiali-  Remember, the Jewish community’s
                                                                                ty. This is doable due to the generosity   help is just a phone call away.
                                                                                of our donors.                            If you  are  in  need  of  assistance,
                                                                                    Federation CEO Howard Tevlow-     please call JFCS at 941.366.2224 and
                                                                                itz says, “We are concerned about the   ask for Pam Baron at extension 112 or
                                                                                well-being of members of the Jewish   Arthur Lerman at extension 111.

                                                                                The Daffodil Project

       visit:                                                comes to Sarasota                                                       Chef Michael Solomonov
       call: 941-366-2224
                                                                                By Jessi Sheslow, Teen & Family Programs Manager                        returns for Passover

                                                                                      he Daffodil Project is an initia-  Butterflies of Hope Partners in Educa- By Trudi Krames, Sr. Director of Programming
      Jewish.News.Quartely.2.5.21.indd   1
                                                                  2/5/21   2:28 PM
      Jewish.News.Quartely.2.5.21.indd   1                        2/5/21   2:28 PM
                                                                                      tive of Am Yisrael Chai, a non-  tion  program  and Temple  Sinai,  Gulf    hat makes this night differ-
                                                                                                                      Gate Middle School is now part of this
                                                                                Tprofit Holocaust Education and
                                                                                                                                                                  ent from all  other nights?
                     TO             R       C       H                           Genocide Awareness Organization out   worldwide project.  Michelle  Rivas, a  WThe return of Chef Michael
                                                                                                                      5  grade teacher at Gulf Gate, took on
                                                                                of Atlanta,  Georgia. The organization
                                                                                                                                                        Solomonov, James Beard  Foundation
                                                                                                                      this project to teach about the lessons
                                                                                has developed The Daffodil Project, a
                                                                                                                                                        Award-winning Israeli chef and restau-
                                                                                                                      of the Holocaust. Each year, her stu-
                                                                                worldwide project empowering Holo-
         S      P       O        N        S      O        R       S             caust education.  This project aspires   dents read The Diary of Anne Frank.  rateur, for a final holiday
                                                                                                                                                        cooking  extravaganza
                                                                                to build a worldwide living Holocaust
                                                                                                                      Since the school cannot have visitors
                                                                                                                                                        this program season!
                                                                                memorial by planting 1.5 million daf-
                                                                                                                      or gatherings this year, officials decid-
                                                                                                                                                            The  menu he will
                                                                                fodils in memory of the children who
                                                                                                                      a living memorial as part of The Daf-
                                                                                perished in the Holocaust and in sup-  ed  to  plant  daffodil  bulbs  and  create  be demonstrating virtu-
                                                                                                                                                        ally on Tuesday, March
                                                                                port of children suffering from world-  fodil Project on the Gulf Gate Middle  16 at 8:00 p.m. was de-
                                                                                wide humanitarian crises today.       School  campus.  They  appropriate- signed especially for the
                                                                                    With  the  support of  The Jewish   ly held an unveiling  on International    holiday of Passover, and
                                                                                Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, The   Holocaust Remembrance Day, January  includes charoset, nina
                                                                                                                                   27, 2021.            with ground beef, car-
                         E die and David Chaif      e tz                                                                               The Heller Com-  damom and coffee, and
                         Edie and David Chaifetz
                      Leon R. and Margaret M. Ellin
                      L eon R. and M    ar gar e t M. Ellin                                                                        munity Relations Com-  another  surprise  dish
                                                                                                                                   mittee  at  the  Feder-
                                                                                                                                                        that’s sure to WOW that
                         Debbie and L
                         Debbie and Larry Haspel                                                                                   ation is proud of its  will be announced closer to the event.
                                                                                                                                                            Solomonov is best known for his
                  R osen  thal R  oo ts F amily  F oundation                                                                       role, helping  schools  highly  acclaimed  Philadelphia  restau-
                  Rosenthal Roots Family Foundation
                                                                                                                                   in Sarasota and Mana-
                        S ylvia and N   orman Same      t                                                                          tee  counties teach  the  rant, Zahav. His Chanukah cooking
                        Sylvia and Norman Samet
                        Bunny and Mort  Skirboll                                                                                   important  lessons of
                                 and M
                                                                                                                                   the Holocaust. To learn
                      Hadassah and Martin Strobel                                                                                  more  about the Feder-
                                            artin S
                        adassah and M
                                  ois S
                                 Lois Stulberg                                                                                     ation’s Holocaust edu-
                                                                                                                                   cation  programs, visit
                                                                                       The Daffodil Project honors the memory of children
                                                                                              who perished in the Holocaust
        (      and help fund crucial services for people in need here   (
                       We offer our very deep appreciation
                      to our 2020-21 Season Torch Sponsors!
                   They support our Federation’s efforts to bring
               quality events and programs to our local community
               in Sarasota-Manatee, in Israel and around the world.
                                                                                        Michelle Rivas’ students wearing daffodil masks in front of their daffodil garden
                                                                *As of 10/11/20              with representatives from the Jewish Federation and Temple Sinai
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