Page 253 - Mechatronics with Experiments
P. 253

                              void at_high_interrupt_vector(void)
                                goto High_ISR
                              #pragma code   /∗ Restore the default program memory allocation. ∗/

                              #pragma interrupt High_ISR
                              void High_ISR(void)

                             /∗ ...... Low Priority Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) Setup ∗/

                              #pragma code LOW_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x18
                                                   /∗  Place the following code starting at
                                                       address 0x18, which is the location for
                                                       low priority interrupt vector ∗/
                              void  at_low_interrupt_vector(void)
                               goto Low_ISR
                              #pragma code
                                     /∗ Restore the default program memory allocation. ∗/

                              #pragma interruptlow  Low_ISR
                              void Low_ISR(void)

                              #pragma code   /∗ Restore the default program memory allocation. ∗/

                             Example: Interrupt Handling with PIC 18F452 on PICDEM 2 Plus
                             Demo Board      This example requires:
                                1. hardware: the PICDEM 2 Plus Demo board with PIC 18F452 microcontroller chip
                                  and MPLAB ICD 3 (in-circuit debugger) hardware,
                                2. software: MPLAB IDE v6.xx and MPLAB C18 development tools.

                                  The INT0 pin is connected to a switch which is an external interrupt. It is a high
                             priority interrupt. Therefore, when this interrupt occurs, the program will branch to the
                             interrupt vector table location 0x0008h and get the address of the interrupt service routine
                             to branch to. By default, this address contains the address of the interrupt service routine
                             called high_ISR. Hence, when INT0 occurs, the program will branch to the high_ISR
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