Page 284 - Mechatronics with Experiments
P. 284

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                              which shows that in order to make the decay rather slow and obtain a DC output voltage,
                              R C should be as large as possible. R will be function of the load connected to the output,
                              therefore we have more control over the value of capacitor, C, to make sure that R C is
                              large enough to provide a smooth output DC voltage relative to the oscillation frequency
                              of the input voltage. Results are shown for 60 Hz input voltage and RC = 0.1∕60, R C =
                                   In summary, the diode alone only passes the positive half of the input signal and acts
                              as a half wave rectifier. The diode plus the low pass filter circuit smooth out the oscillations
                              of the AC input and provide almost constant DC output voltage. In order to get a smooth
                              DC output voltage, the 1∕(RC) should be much larger than the input signal frequency
                              and 1∕(R C) should be much smaller than the input signal frequency. The performance
                              of the simple DC power supply shown in Figure 5.14b can be simulated for different
                              values of R ⋅ C and R ⋅ C relative to the frequency of the input signal which is 60 Hz in
                              this example.

                              % Simulation of the diode and low pass filter circuit for
                              DC power supply operation.
                                  t0 = 0.0 ;
                                  tf = 4.0/60.0 ;
                                  t_sample = 0.001 ;
                                  x_out =    0;
                                  u_out = 0;

                              % Start the simulation loop...
                                  u = 0.0 ;
                                  x = 0.0 ;

                                  for (t = t0 : t_sample : tf )
                                     u1 = 10.0 * sin(2*pi*60*t) ;
                                     Vfb = 0.7 ;
                                     u = u1 - Vfb ;
                                     x = rk4(’process_dynamics’,t,t+t_sample, x, u) ;
                                             x_out=[x_out ; x’ ] ;
                                             u_out=[u_out ; u1 ] ;

                              % ..Plot results....
                                    t_out=t0:t_sample:tf     ;
                                    t_out = [t_out’ ; tf+t_sample ] ;
                                       plot(t_out,u_out(:,1),’r’,t_out,x_out(:,1),’b’) ;
                                       title(’Input and output voltages vs time for
                                       parameters: RC=0.1/60, R_LC = 10.0/60’) ;

                              function xdot= process_dynamics(t,x,u)
                              %  describes the dynamic model: o.d.e’s
                              %  returns    xdot vector.
                                     R= 0.1/60. ;
                                     C= 1.0 ;
                                     R_L = 10./60. ;
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