P. 60
February 2020
Cho, Tae-yong
Then-National Assemblyman of Future Korea Party
and current South Korean Ambassador to the United States
조태용, 당시 미래한국당 의원, 현 주한미대사
I’d like to make one thing very, very clear to you. That is, regardless of the political position, a vast majori-
ty, meaning 92% of the Korean population, believes that it is a good thing that we have this alliance with
the United States. In 20 year’s time, would you rather see Korea aligned with the United States or aligned
with China? More than 85% say that even after 20 years we should be aligned with the United States.
About 13% say that perhaps we will be better o aligned with China. Although our opinions di er as to
what kind of economic policies or internal policies we should have, a vast majority of the people believes
that Korea is a friend to the United States and that we should be aligned with them.
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