P. 63

K.T. McFarland
                                                                                Former Deputy National
                                                                                Security Advisor
                                                                                K.T. 맥팔랜드, 전 국가안보부보좌관

               K. T. McFARLAND

               Whoever your leaders are, as Fred Fleitz said, you have to do some work, too. You have to contribute
               to our common defense. We need a fair and equitable trading relationship, but you need to deal with
               your own peninsula. You need to deal with the Japanese. You need to  nd a place where you can
               work together. We are all in this together. But we are not going to  ght your battles for you. Those
               days of America are over. That’s why we encourage you and your country to have a leadership that
               will negotiate well with us.

               ৈ۞࠙੄ ૑ب੗о ־ҳ੉ٚ૑ рী  ৈ۞ٜ࠙ب ೧ঠ ೡ ੌ੉ ੓ח ѩפ׮  ৈ۞࠙ب ҕز ߑਤী ӝৈ೧ঠ ೞҊ  ਋ܻب
               ҕ੿ೞҊ ҕಣೠ ޖ৉ ҙ҅о ೙ਃ೤פ׮  ೠ߈ب ޙઁח झझ۽ Ѿ੿೧ঠ ೤פ׮  ੌࠄҗ੄ ޙઁب ೧Ѿ೧ঠ ೤פ׮  ҕزഈ۱ਸ
               ೡ ࣻ ੓ח ੢ਸ ೣԋ ଺ইঠ ೤פ׮  ੉ ݽٚ Ѫਸ ਋ܻח ೣԋ ೧ঠ ೤פ׮  ৈ۞࠙੄ ੹੬ਸ ؀न ऱਕ઱૑ ঋणפ׮  ޷Ҵ੉
               Ӓۧѱ ೧઱ח द؀ח ՘լणפ׮  Ӓѱ ߄۽ ޷Ҵ੉ ৈ۞࠙ աۄী ਋ܻ৬ ੜ ഈ࢚ೡ ࣻ ੓ח ܻ؊भਸ о૕ Ѫਸ ੢۰ೞח

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