P. 65
Fred Fleitz
Former NSC Cheif of Staff to National Security Advisor John Bolton
프레드 플레이츠, 전 존 볼튼 국가안보보좌관 비서실장
Another brilliant thing that the President did is that when he met with Kim in Singapore and Vietnam,
China wasn’t there. This was great, it prevented China an opportunity to manipulate the talks to its
advantage, to play dealmaker. We don’t want to have Six-Party talks again that China runs. Although
talks in Beijing may lower tensions, it will mainly promote China’s interests.
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ਬܻ೧ѱՔ ഥਸ ઑೞח ӝഥܳ ରױೠ ѩפ ഈ࢚ ۽ࢲ ݈ੑפ ܻח Ҵ بೞח ഥਸ ژ ыѱ غӡ
߄ۄ ঋওणפ ӟ৮ചীח ب ؼ ށۄب ࠗ࠙ Ҵী غӝ ٸޙੑפ