P. 61
John Cha
존 차, 저자
I want the US to exploit the weaknesses of Kim Jong-un and put more pressure on him. And one of these
weaknesses is that he is no longer considered a god among the North Korean people. Kim Jong-un has
been teaching and telling the people that, “Having nuclear weapons will solve everything.” He brainwash-
es the people by telling them, “If we are a country with nuclear weapons, we can bring the US to its knees
and have them provide us with as much economic aid as we want.” The North Korean people believed this
until the meeting in Hanoi. When he returned from Hanoi, the North Korean people were greatly disillu-
sioned. And Kim Jong-un actually made a comment that he was ‘only human.’
ח Ҵ ӣ ডਸ ഝਊ೮ਵݶ જѷणפ Ӓীѱ ؊ ۱ਸ оೞӡ ߄ۉפ Ӓ ডٜ оؘ ೞաח Ӓח ઁ ؊
࢚ ࠘ೠ ٜ ࢎীࢲ नਵ۽ ୶ঔ߉ ޅೞҊ ח ࢎपੑפ ೨ޖӝ ҙ۲೧ࢲ ӣ ٜীѱ Үदܳ ղܻѢա
ঠӝܳ ೧৳णפ t೨ޖӝ݅ оݶ ݽٚ Ѫ ೧Ѿػ u ٜਸ ࣁֱदெࢲ rੌױ ೨ޖӝ ࠁਬҴ غݶ Ҵਸ ҷࠂदఃҊ
ਗೞח ݅ఀ ҃ઁਗઑܳ ઁҕೞب۾ ೞݶ ػsҊ ೮Ҋ ೞ֢ ഥ ٸө ࠘ೠ ٜ Ѧ য৳णפ Ӓо ೞ֢ীࢲ
جই৳ਸ ٸ ࠘ೠ ٜ ױೠ ജݷਸ וԕणפ ӒܻҊ ӣ पઁ۽ tӒب ੋрੌ ࡺuۆ ݈ਸ ೮णפ