Page 4 - OE Guide
P. 4

What’s Happening in 2016?

While many of Franke’s beneits 4. The tobacco free discount plan will increase to $100 per
will remain unchanged, several month/$46.16 per pay period and is available to employees who elect

will change. These changes are medical coverage who are tobacco free. If a spouse is covered under
described in greater detail further the medical plan, the spouse must be tobacco free as well. Non-
in this guide. tobacco users will save $1,200 in medical plan premium per year!
Tobacco users who complete a tobacco cessation program will receive
1. Franke has decided to move a refund for the tobacco surcharge paid since January 1, 2016.
away from the beBetter Health
program for the 2016 plan year 5. Prescription drug coverage under both medical plans will change as
and is excited to announce follows.

you may earn up to $200 A. All specialty medications must be illed using the CIGNA
(for employee only coverage) Specialty Pharmacy network.
or $350 (for employee + B. If you choose a brand name drug when a generic equivalent is
spouse coverage) to be placed available, you must pay the cost difference between the generic
into your HSA or FSA for and brand name drug.
completing a biometric
screening in 2015. C. The plan will no longer cover drugs that have a chemically
equivalent over-the-counter alternative.
2. The Choice Fund HRA
medical plan will no longer be 6. The OAP medical plan will increase its out-of-pocket maximum to
offered and will be replaced $3,000/$7,500 and the coinsurance will decrease to 80 percent.
with the OAP medical plan. 7. The Choice Fund HSA plan family out-of-pocket maximum will

Franke will no longer fund decrease to $6,850. The in-network coinsurance will change to 80
an HRA for wellness plan percent.
participation; but instead 8. Franke will no longer payroll deduct Allstate and Alac premium. Two
will fund an FSA for those new voluntary beneit offerings may be elected on the Choicelinx
employees and covered enrollment platform.
spouses who meet the wellness 9. The FSA plan will once again include a debit card!
plan requirement. 10. The vision plan will be enhanced and network will also include VSP.

3. Medical, dental, and vision
plan rates will change from 11. You may now elect voluntary spouse life coverage in increments of
a three tier basis to a four $5,000 up to $150,000, subject to evidence of insurability.
tier basis which requires all 12. You may elect to increase your voluntary life coverage for yourself,
employees to elect the new your spouse, and your children, subject to evidence of insurability.

coverage tier in which they 13. If you elect the new voluntary critical illness and accident coverage,
would like to enroll. you must be actively at work on January 1, 2016 for coverage to
be effective, and your spouse and/or dependent children must be
Franke performing the functions of similarly situated spouse/dependents.
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