Page 7 - OE Guide
P. 7

2016 Tobacco Surcharge

NEW for 2016! If you and/or your covered

Spousal tobacco status will now be evaluated to determine if you qualify spouse begin to use tobacco
for the discounted medical plan premiums in 2016. This only applies to products after the irst of the year,
medical plan covered spouses. you must notify Human Resources
and you will begin to pay the

As you enroll for your 2016 beneits, you must indicate whether or tobacco surcharge the following
not you and your medical plan covered spouse are tobacco users. Your pay period. Franke reserves the
tobacco attestation will also determine the basis of your critical illness right to test for cotinine if there is
premium if elected. Tobacco users will pay an additional $46.16 per pay “reasonable suspicion” including
period for either of the medical plan options. If you and your covered observation or reporting by others.
spouse do not use tobacco you will save $1,200 per year in premium! An inaccurate representation of
your tobacco status is a violation
If you and/or your covered spouse indicate you do not use tobacco, you of company policy and may result
and/or your covered spouse,will be required to complete a cotinine test in collection of the applicable
between now and December 18, 2015 in order to receive the discounted premium surcharge by the plan,

medical plan premiums. cancellation of your medical
coverage under the terms of the
If you and/or your covered spouse are currently tobacco users you will plan, and/or disciplinary action up

be subject to the tobacco surcharge, however; you and/or your covered to and including termination of
spouse will be provided the opportunity to complete an 8-week tobacco your employment.
cessation program which is provided at no cost. An announcement
will be made after the irst of the year with the dates and times of the
tobacco cessation classes. If you and/or your covered spouse complete
the program by July 5, 2016, you will receive a one-time reimbursement
for the January through June tobacco surcharge paid, and you will pay the
discounted medical premium for the remainder of the plan year.

If you do not complete the tobacco cessation program by the July 5, 2016
deadline, you will not be permitted to qualify for the discounted medical
premium until the 2017 annual enrollment period.

2016 Open Enrollment
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