Page 7 - Dawson 2021 New Hire Guide
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2021 Benefits Guide

Cigna Member Site Cigna Patient Assurance Program

Visit to take advantage of all the The Patient Assurance Program helps make your
helpful tools and resources available, including the medications more affordable–making it easier to stay on
following. track with the medications that keep you healthy. This

‹ In-network provider and pharmacy searches program reduces the cost of eligible diabetic insulin and
other non-insulin diabetes medications to $25 or less
‹ A list of prescription drugs covered by our plans for a 30-day supply ($75 or less for a 90-day supply). If

‹ Access to temporary ID cards and means to order you are considering switching to an eligible medication,
another ID card call the One Guide by dialing the number on your ID
‹ Information regarding paid and pending claims card.

‹ You are encouraged to register on
to gain access to additional resources and tools Cigna Diabetes Prevention Program in
including cost estimates for medical procedures and Collaboration With Omada
quality comparisons for doctors and hospitals More than 1 in 3 American adults have prediabetes

‹ The myCigna App also provides access to these and, without meaningful intervention, 30% of those
tools individuals will develop type 2 diabetes. Cigna, in
collaboration with Omada, offers a CDC-recognized
Cigna One Guide digital lifestyle and behavior change program focused
Do you want to talk to a person? on reducing the risk of diabetes through healthy weight
Cigna One Guide representatives are available to assist loss. You may opt into the program by contacting the
with the following services—both before and after you Cigna One Guide through the member services line.
enroll for beneits: You’ll get your own interactive program, wireless smart
scale, weekly online lessons, professional Omada health
‹ Assistance understanding the basics of health coach, and the support of a small online group of
insurance participants. If you are interested in signing up, please

‹ Assistance making your decision between medical call the member services number on your ID card.
plan options

‹ Conirm your physicians are in-network, or help
you select a provider if needed Pre-Certification Requirements
‹ Resolve healthcare issues Pre-certiication requirements must be met for high tech
imaging and several other medical procedures. All pre-
‹ Find the right providers, including dentists certiication requirements will be taken care of for you as

‹ Get cost estimates long as you seek care from an in-network Cigna provider.
‹ Understand your bills

For support with enrollment, you may call the member
services number 800.244.6224 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
EST. After you enroll, you may access Cigna One Guide
through the Cigna App, phone, or online chat (have
your member ID available). You can call the member
phone number on your cards 24 hours a day.

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