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8 NEUROTIC DOG STUDIOSBRAND MYPRACTICESMPAGE 14 NEUROTIC DOG STUDIOS / BRAND STRATEGY & CREATIVE DIRECTIONAUDIENCE PERSONA - THE NURTURERMary is a 41 year old woman, living in California with her husband and two kids. She and her husband were concerned about the side effects that may result from the quantity, frequency and compounds utilized in childhood vaccinations. This resulted in the decision not to vaccinate their children and to home school them to avoid the local and state vaccine mandates for school enrollment.Her current life is filled with lesson plans and classes for her children. She worries about their health and nutrition, so she looks for holistic medical treatments and researches into the benefits and quality of supplements.Mary has had a longterm battle with headaches and allergies. Early in her life she tried mainstream western medicine, but found that medications were never fully successful and often resulted in side effects that were as bad as the original issue. This has led Mary to explore other treatment paths.Mary is very interested in holistic methods to care for herself and her family, but needs guidance and education about the various methods available and what benefits they would provide.About MaryNAME Mary AndersonAGE 41PROBLEMDeals with chronic headaches and environmental allergies. Wants to ensure the health and well-being of her family.Photo by Ansley Ventura on UnsplashPAGE 12 NEUROTIC DOG STUDIOS / BRAND STRATEGY & CREATIVE DIRECTIONTARGET AUDIENCEAUDIENCE PSYCHOGRAPHICSWHAT IS IMPORTANT TO THEM Health, Nutrition, Pain ReliefWHAT MOTIVATES THEM Taking care of their bodies in a neutral wayWHO DO THEY LOOK UP TO Individuals that hold the same belief structure/philosophy they doWHAT DO THEY FEAR MOST Failing health and mobilityWHAT MAY THEY NOT KNOW ABOUT THEMSELVES That they want to avoid/alleviate pain and live a healthy lifeWHAT ARE THEIR LIFE GOALSTo obtain and maintain their (and families) health through holistic means.WHAT DO THEY STRUGGLE WITHRecurring injuries or health issues, Maintaining health andnutrition of childrenDO THEY PRIORITISE PRICE, QUALITY OR EASE QualityWHAT STRESSES THEM OUT ON A REGULAR BASISWhether they're making the right decisions for themselves and their family, healthWHAT SOLUTIONS ARE THEY CURRENTLY LOOKING FORHolistic medicine. Natural treatments that will alleviate pain, or chronic health conditions (allergies, headaches, etc.)HOW DO THEY MAKE A BUYING DECISIONThe lean on the recommendation of friends, as well as information about the services that are offered and their alignment with their personal beliefs.WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN FOR THEM TO PURCHASE FROM YOUThey need to understand the wide variety of services that are offered as well as what type of health benefitsPAGE 13 NEUROTIC DOG STUDIOS / BRAND STRATEGY & CREATIVE DIRECTIONAUDIENCE PERSONA - THE ATHLETECathy is a 56 year old woman, living in Torrance, California. She is married and has been member of the local Tennis Club for over two decades and has been riding horses at the local stable for even longer.During the course of her horseback riding she has suffered an occasion throw. This has left her in pain and seeking relief. Cathy also plays tennis regularly and has pain from a repetitive use injury. Cathy has never focused on chiropractic services and doesn't really know what they can do to help here, but she trusts her friends and when she shared with them the pain she was dealing with they referred to a chiropractor.Cathy is looking for a way to stay healthy, as pain free as possible, and maintain mobility. She wants to be able to continue the actives that she enjoys and doesn't want medications or surgery to limit or take her away from the things she loves to do.Prior to this referral she had never heard about this particular chiropractor nor did she receive much information that was useful from his website. However, after her appointment and the %ulous\ pain relief she felt she is a true believer in the benefits of holistic healing.About CathyNAME Cathy JohnsonAGE 56PROBLEMSuffers from occasional horse back riding Injuries, and repetitive use injuries from tennisPhoto by Yuriy Shevtsov on Adobe StockPAGE 15 NEUROTIC DOG STUDIOS / BRAND STRATEGY & CREATIVE DIRECTIONCONSUMER BUYING JOURNEYOne of the important elements of your brand's strategy is your Consumer Buying Journey %u2013 the journey your consumer or client takes from the moment they find out about you, to purchasing from you, to becoming a loyal fan. Knowing your client/consumer buying journey will help you make strategic marketing decisions, show you where to focus your advertising efforts and which products/services to push.AwarenessHow will your client/consumer know about you and what you offer? Where will they find out about you? Through which platforms/mediums will they make a connection?ConsiderationWhen your client/consumer is researching more information about who you are and what you do. What can you do to build their trust at this point and move them to the next stage?PurchaseHow can your client/consumer book you or purchase from you? Is the process simple and straight forward or is there something holding them back? Make the commitment phase as easy as possible for them. RetentionWhat can we do to retain the client/consumer and get them to purchase or work with you again? What, when and how can you pitch them another offer? AdvocacyHow can we continue to nurture this relationship and develop brand loyalty to increase our client/consumer lifetime value?Photo by Brooke Cagle on UnsplashvPAGE 16 NEUROTIC DOG STUDIOS / BRAND STRATEGY & CREATIVE DIRECTIONCONSUMER BUYING JOURNEYAwareness Consideration Purchase Retention AdvocacyCustomers are finding out about you through word of mouth and the website. Currently the website is not providing the detail of information that customers are looking for. \ I were to look for a chiropractor now I would look for someone who offers emotion clearing, mussel testing, lasers, and superior supplements like Dr. Taylor does.\- Current ClientYour prospects are looking for solutions to more than just PAIN. \ needed someone who could improve my immune system, get rid of my pain, and improve my overall health.\ - Current Client\ was referred so I didn't know what to expect, but after seeing Dr. Taylor I wouldn't go to anyone else.\- Current ClientProspects call the office to schedule and appointment. \pressed with Dr. Taylor's ability to correctly prescribe the number of visits required, and the variety of techniques utilized to bring about correction of the issue.\\e told so many people about Dr. Taylor and his nutrition knowledge, especially his home nutrition audit where he comes in and actually assess and removes unhealthy items from your cabinets. It makes eating healthy much easier.\- Current ClientCurrent customers stay with the practice because of the knowledge and experience of Dr. Taylor and his staff. \ tried other chiropractors but it was never the same, I found the best results were from Dr. Taylor. I knew that with them (Taylor Chiropractic & Laser Center) there was success.\- Current ClientHow can we continue to nurture this relationship and develop brand loyalty to increase our client/consumer lifetime value?Education about the other offerings of Taylor Chiropractic & Laser Center. Conversations with clients presented two distinct client bases. One who has pain from an injury and is coming in for relief for their immediate pain. They continue utilizing the Center when they have additional issues. The second type of client is looking for longterm nutrition education and support, relief of chronic issues, and overall wellness through holistic means.AUDIENCE PERCEPTIONPhoto by Windows on UnsplashCALL 804-464-3925or visit our calendar at Your FREE Consultation Today!Brand Strategy | Brand Identity Standards | CoachingOur three month program takes practitioners like you through the process of discovering who would be your ideal patient. What services bring you the most satisfaction and how you can best connect with patients seeking those services. Learn how to differentiate your practice and walk away with a brand strategy documents that provices clarity and focus for your marketing and a comprehensive brand standards document that will ensure that your materialsmaintain brand alignment.