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DEVELOPMENTthe future and anticipate trends and setbacks, allowing them to remain competitive.To begin elevating your resilience, you want to focus on 4 key areas:%u2022 Connections%u2022 Introspection %u2022 Positivity %u2022 Seeking HelpConnections:Stress and trauma lead many people inwards to isolate themselves. Well-developed connections can counter this and help us become more resilient in the face of major life or professional challenges. This may look like a monthly lunch with friends, a club to support a hobby, or volunteering with a local organization. These activities build resilience while giving us a sense of purpose. A sample network may include individuals you go to when you need:%u2022 Support with work surges%u2022 To make sense of discussions or situations you encountered%u2022 Guidance on self-advocating or planning a path forward%u2022 Empathy and a space to release negative emotionsThe same individual may be your connection for more than one of these areas, or they may all be separated with different go-to people for you. Self-Assess: What other areas of support do you or would you like to reach out to your network for? In thinking of these areas, where do you see a gap in your network?Introspection:Working towards being your most effective and authentic self allows you to be more resilient. When we experience high-stress, our first sacrifice is usually self-care from our routines. Ironically, self-care is a key factor that helps us manage stress effectively. By removing it from our routine, we fall into a cycle of creating more stress with no release outlet.To avoid this cycle, you must build in moments to focus on your physical, mental, and emotional self. Right before you fall asleep at night, while you take a shower, on the train %u2013 can you check in with yourself. Ask yourself: %u2022 Did I eat and sleep well today / this week?%u2022 Was I able to get some form of exercise or movement in?%u2022 Did I have a goal for this day / week and did I accomplish it?%u2022 Have I had uplifting interactions?%u2022 Am I comfortable with my CONNECTIONS01 0204 03Outside connections help to counter the inward isolation that stress and trauma cause.INTROSPECTIONEstablished moments to focus on your mental, physical and emotional self allows for better resilience.POSITIVITYEnjoing the moments that bring joy and celebrating what you are grateful for shifts your mind to positivity.SEEKING HELPAsking for assistance before your are in overwhelm strengthens your ability to be there and support others.GRADIENT INFOGRAPHICDIFFERENTIATEMAG.COM QUARTER 1 | 2025 %u2022 D I F F E R E N T I AT E M AG A Z I N E 15