Page 15 - The Voice - Fall 2016_Winter 2017
P. 15

Area II “Blessing in a Backpack”

Excitement and Energy filled the room as Ar-
ea II began their “Blessing in a Backpack”
preparation on the evening of Friday, April 7,
2017 in Virginia Beach, Va. Ninety-one regis-
tered Top Teens from Queens Empire, NY.,
Trenton, NJ., Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore ,
Md., Alexandria Va., Prince George’s County,
Md., Southern, Md., Dale City, Va., and
Hampton Roads, Va. chapters began unpack-
ing the non-perishable food items purchased
for children to have nourishing meals.
Top Teens prepared the tables with many
types of non-perishable foods. All Top Teens
were actively engaged in the packing process
until 120 backpacks were filled. The complet-

                                                ed bags were then stationed on tables for inspec-
                                                tion by Chapter TTA Advisors.

                                                The MOMENTUM throughout the room bought
                                                enthusiasm as the Top Teens from the different
                                                chapters worked together in unity to fulfill their
                                                mission. The pride and ownership within each Top
                                                Teens shown as they thought of the mental tough-
                                                ness this preparation would bring to a child in the
                                                community. As the Top Teens Advisors of the
                                                chapters stood on the sideline for completed back-
                                                packs, Area II Top Teens of America were em-

powered to get the job completed. This was their opportunity to
network and work together as a team. Once completed, and the
teens felt the unity of the Area, they were allowed to complete
their mentoring with newly inducted teens at the conference.

The preparation was complete and the conference continued
with “Game Night” for Area II’s finest, Top Teens of America.
Sunday’s Best breakfast included the observance of Community
Beautification. The speaker for the occasion was Lisa Renee Jennings. Her video shared interesting ways to partner with
communities to “Keep America Beautiful”. All of the teens wore green ribbons. We also observed Palm Sunday through
prayer and song from our Area II Choir of Ladies and Teens conducted by Lady Tara Taylor, Area II Chaplain. Teen Mon-
sies James stepped out and led “Every Praise”. First, second and third place trophies were given to the winners of Spelling
Bee. Area II TTA Awards were presented as we fellowshipped and congratulated all teens for their participation at the 35th
Area II Leadership Conference.

The Voice ~ Volume 1, Issue 1
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