Page 13 - The Voice - Fall 2016_Winter 2017
P. 13

Next, our 1st plenary session which included our Area II President report by Teen Joshua White. Blessing in a Backpack
preparation was included as our National TTA Assistant Advisor, Lady Velda Hunter shared quality time with the Top
Teens. Candidates for our executive offices had the opportunity to share their qualifications for office. Lady Ozell Dean,
Founder of Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. shared time with the Top Teens and presented them with ink pens of Prayer.

All Top Teens were invited to “Game Night” provided by Lady Katina Robinson-Wright and the Prince George’s County
Chapter. They had the opportunity to mingle with other Top Teens, play video games, sing karaoke and eat healthy snacks
and drinks.

Saturday April 8th began with our Delegates voting for the 2017-2019 Executive Board for Area II. This plenary session pro-
vided the Area II First Vice President, Teen Kevin Moone the opportunity to introduce all Chapter First Vice Presidents to
the members. Chapter reports were given using the Activity Evaluation Forms of the accomplishments achieved. The teens
seemed very comfortable as they provided the reports from their chapters.

                                                                                   Plenary session 2 included our Area Spelling Bee
                                                                                   with winners as follows:

                                                                                   1st Place Teen Gabriella Segears Dale City Chapter
                                                                                   2nd Place Teen Sasha Carter Prince George’s

                                                                                                                           County Chapter
                                                                                   3rd Place Teen Tyrese Jenifer Southern Maryland


                                                                                   Lady Drema Lee Woldman, National President of
                                                                                   TLOD was introduced to the winner and congratu-
                                                                                   lated all participants of the Spelling Bee. Pictures
                                                                                   were taken while congratulations were given to all.

Our Ruth Payne Smith Speaker’s Tournament was held after the Plenary session. (2) Two participants from the area partici-
pated. The winner of the speaker’s tournament was:

1st Place  Teen Darius Phillips Alexandria City Chapter

Congratulations were given to both participants

The Augusta Cash Essay Contest was presented to the judges by (4) four Top Teens to be scored with the following results.

1st Place  Teen Kevin Moone Hampton Roads Chapter

All participants were congratulated for their participation.

The Blue and Silver Luncheon was very successful as Teen Alexandria Green, National TTA First Vice President and Lady
Velda Hunter, National Assistant TTA Director welcomed our guests. We held our “Blessings in a Backpack” presentation.
Dr. Williams of Virginia Head Start program thanked Top Ladies of Distinction and Top Teens of America for donating to
such a worthy cause. “Sickle Cell Foundation” was represented by former Teen Tysheba Randall who shared her life story
living with the disease and appreciation for all that we contribute to find a cure. “March of Dimes” representative, Mrs. April
Stilwell shared a video of families with premature babies as she thanked us for contributions to prevent premature births.
Teen Kameron Pillow, Area II March of Dimes Chair shared blankets and bottled water as a fundraiser donation to the
March of Dimes. Pomp and Circumstance was played as 18 of our Area II 2017 graduating class was presented by their Top
Teen Advisors. A video was shown of each graduating senior while their profile was read. Thanks to Lady Angela Thomp-
son, Area II Assistant TTA Advisor for preparing the senior PowerPoint presentation.

The Voice ~ Volume 1, Issue 1
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