Page 33 - The Voice - Fall 2016_Winter 2017
P. 33

Chapters In The News

TLOD Indianapolis Chapter  AREA V
         March 11, 2017
                                                         Greater Cleveland Chapter Area V
    UNCF Status Report                                              Cleveland, Ohio

                                              “Teen Chelsea Hodge Honored as 2017 Outstanding Com-
                                                                    munity Youth”

     Standing--Lady Parker, Teens Xavier Goodson, Teen             Teen Chelsea Hodge with Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson
     A'Lyrika Bowens, Teen Karalynn Barnett, Teen Keith Bar-              and City Councilman Kevin Conwell and wife
     nett, Teen Stephen Walker (high bowler for the teens) and
     Teen Victoria Cater-President. Seated are Lady Perkins,     Each January, the Cleveland Orchestra commemorates MLK
     Teen Nia Wilson, Teen Donya Collins, Lady McGruder and      Jr.’s birthday with a free community concert. A highlight of
     lady Margo Filer-UNCF Chair.                                the concert each year is the presentation of the MLK Jr Com-
                                                                 munity Service Awards in cooperation with the City of Cleve-
      The 12th annual Bowl-a-Thon was held on Saturday, Feb-     land and the Greater Cleveland Partnership.
      ruary 25th from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Woodland Bowl. Prior
      to the event, the teens held their monthly meeting in the  Begun in 2002, the awards recognize an adult, a youth and a
      bowling alley. Two of our teens won door prizes and La-    business/organization that exemplifies the spirit and ideals of
      dy Perkins won a raffle prize. Teen Stephen Walker had     Dr. King. Teen Chelsea, President of the TTA Cleveland
      the high score amongst teen bowlers and Lord Parker had    Chapter, has been an active teen over the last 5 years, Chelsea
      the high score amongst the Lady/Lord bowlers. Lady         has worked closely with community and civic leaders to en-
      Patricia McGruder also attended and assisted with meals    courage and inspire other youth to enhance their educational
      for the teens. A good time was had by all involved! The    opportunities and aspirations and improve their civic respon-
      Ladies, Lords and Teens listed below bowled in the event.  sibility.

The Voice ~ Volume 1, Issue 1                                    She is a senior at Beachwood High School where she has
                                                                 served as the Vice President of the Pre-Law Club of Beach-
                                                                 wood H.S. and Vice President of MAC (Minority Achieve-
                                                                 ment Committee) Scholars, a student-led program aimed at
                                                                 improving the academic achievement of African-American
                                                                 students. Key elements of the program include goal setting,
                                                                 mentoring, help with study skills, use of the academic support
                                                                 resources available at the High School, and public recognition
                                                                 of academic improvement. As a sophomore, she was selected
                                                                 as a Stanford Law Scholar and received the Presidential Excel-
                                                                 lence Award for her excellent academic and leadership skills.
                                                                 This spring she will be a Soledad O’Brian intern in NYC.
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