Page 28 - The Voice - Fall 2016_Winter 2017
P. 28

Chapter In The News
      AREA I

         Top Teens of America,            Welcome and Congratulations to the
             Houston Chapter                    November 2016 Inductees:
             Bigger and Better!
                                            Maylon Adams                 Mya Jones
The Houston Chapter of Top Teens of           Alexis Amerson           Vanicia Kendall
America celebrated 52 new teens follow-      Robin Anderson             Kennedy Lee
ing an induction ceremony at Greater                                   Kiersten Lewis
Zion Missionary Baptist Church, on              Anjel Bailey
November 20, 2016. In addition, the          Kaylon Bankston              Saje Lewis
Top Ladies of Distinction, Houston            Michael Bogues          Tiffany Lockings
Chapter, and the family, friends, and       Michael Boudreaux          Kaleb Monroe
guests of the new teens enjoyed a selec-   Claude Bashir Bowie
tion by the Houston Chapter TTA              Sta'mone Braggs            Maya Monroe
Choir, led by the TLOD National Choir                                  Ashton Parker
Co-Chairperson, Lady Kathy Wilson.             Kelsey Cadien             Jacob Punch
Mr. Jerome Bailey Jr, a Multimedia Jour-      Leah Callandret          Dacarai Shango
nalist, Professor, Entrepreneur and for-      Austen Cannon            NessajaSharber
mer Houston Chapter TTA member,               Dion Clayborne        December Stevenson
was the speaker for the ceremony. Teen       John Codwell IV            Joshua Stoute
Ian Cavenall, Houston Chapter TTA              Reid Coldwell           Kailey Strozier
Treasurer shared, "What It Means to be         Alayah Collins          Akaila Thomas
a Member of Top Teens of America,"             Elijah Collins        Alonzo Thompson
and the inductee response was received    JaizeonStarghill Dillard      Gavin Tolbert
from Teen Autumn Williams.                    Lauryn Fusilier        Stanton Trueheart
                                                                      Melanie Vaughn
The Voice ~ Volume 1, Issue 1                  Jadyn Geters             Logan Warren
                                               Bryce Gilbert         Autumn Williams
                                             Jaylon Greenleaf        Cornelius Wilson
                                               Jazmyne Hale             Sydney Wyatt
                                               Daniel Hinton
                                                Justin James
                                               Remiya Jarvis
                                            Deondre Johnson
                                              Jazmyne Jones
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