Page 398 - Cam General 15-16-17-18-19
P. 398
Sample Writing answers
E想’ Additio「1
~罩 in Resource Bank
This model has been prepared by an examiner as an example of a very good answer.
De.a「 Mi.a
It’ f, 9「 to f,「om iOLI; iour pr创ut wundf> re-.a\\i intιr附in9. I'd bιh.appi to tell iOLI .about Te-t
in Vietnam.
Tιt if> f>hort fo「 Tit N9uin f)an .and it’f, OLI「 Nιw Ye.a「 aιι0「ding to the- lunar ι It’s the- firnt of 5prin9 and it’s Uf>u.alli in 布nu.a叫 or re-b「u.a叫 It’S 「e-.alli impo忖ant to Llf> .af> it’f, .aιh.anιι
for the- famili toιom巳 togιth巳「 .and w巳 Vif>it the, 9「.avιs of our .anιιf>tO「f>. It’f> probabli the- bi99e-纣
fof> in Vi时 .and it’s .a publiι 协lιf>i:li if 900d thin95 h.appιn on the- fi mt of the-
nιw ie-ar, thιwhole- ie-.a「 will bιfull of ble-f>f>in9f>.
I .alw.aif> lovιd it ,:lf, .aιhild be-ιi:lLlf>ιl would gιt a 「e-d envelopιwith mon叫 inf>idιit from the- oldιr
me-mbe-rf> of the- famili- Now I likιVif>itin9 f1「1巳ndf> .and th巴巴对ιndιd famili on th巳 week of T et .and
ιnjoiin9 the loveliι.andi巳d fru itf> wιh.ave on thif> oιι.af>ion.
I hopι h巳lpf>. Do .af>k if th巳「ι’s .anithin9 elf>e iOLI’d likιto know.
/\II the bιf>t
Here are comments from another examiner:
This is a full response to the task. The candidate addresses the first two bullet
points in the second paragraph, then covers the last bullet in the thi 「d, but could
add more about how New Year is celebrated. They mention [the biggest festival ...
public holiday] but give no details about how it is celebrated.
However, the enthusiastic tone is just right for a letter to a friend, and p「ogression in
the response is clear. There are some effective linking expressions [according to I
because I Now], although in the second paragraph, most sentences sta 时 with [It's] ,
so a wider range would improve the response.
The range of vocabulary includes some less common items and some good
collocation [ come together I good th的gs happen], but it could be wider. Similarly,
there is a mix of grammatical structures, including conditionals [if], but generally,
the range is limited with simple structures and short, compound sentences. Overall,
this is an appropriate and engaging response. To improve it, the range of cohesive
devices and grammatical structures could be widened.